Which version are you using ? In 2021 it’s necessary to tweak the Usage Hints of Visual Elements to achieve better performance. You can set these in code or from UI Builder. Based on your example I would go with adding UsageHints.GroupTransform to the element that has the .bar-container class.
In 2022 we started adding logic to turn this hints on automatically when transitions are being applied.
Try removing font-size: 24; from the hover. Changing the font size trigger the full regeneration of the geometry of the element while the other properties should be optimized, but that optimization will be useless if the geometry changes.
The text should still scale up with the scale property.
Could you also share a profiler capture of the frame so that we can see what actually takes time?
It seems that the editor loop is taking most of the time, and we don’t have any details with the capture you provided. You will need to share more details on the forums, or to file a bug with this. By filling a bug using your project, we have much more information on what you are actually doing, but the forum tend to be quicker to get an answer.