UK Unity United ... Ultimate

Hello all, for those that don’t know me, I’m Joe and I’m a games/web app developer in Manchester. me and some others were discussing how it would be cool to have a UK unity event in order to solidify connections and bask in the collective glory that is unity :slight_smile: .

I have no idea at this stage what where or when this event could/would take place but I thought I would cast out the net into the forums and see what I can catch.

so yeah… my main question is how many of you fellow UKliens would be interested in some kind of unity centric event. And what sort of things would you like there to be/do at said event?

Sounds fine Joe

be good to get enough ppl


ounds fantastic.

I’d love to participate.

My background is Visual Effects Animatronics, but I’m chipping away at the coalface to learn Unity.

(St. Albans/London)

Great initiative Joe!
If you arrange something in London, I`ll be there :smile:

wow maybe I need to re-name the concept… its not really UK only if we are having vikings turn up too :slight_smile: I can see this event snowballing :smile:

what about concepts for the theme etc?

We have Unite for some awesome lectures demos and the like, so maybe we need to go down the route of some form of game jam concept. That would be a sure-fire way of getting all the unity people together and would be a great chance to meet up somewhere other than the IRC :smile:

we could call it “The Unity Forge” or… hmmm

it would be cool to make a weekend or so of it… evenings for drinking and socialising, days for some intense build sessions. could be fun :slight_smile:

Hey why not, tell me when and I will be there.


Me too.

I suspect Windows release would be interesting to some.
I’d like to see/know more about how to do stuff on iPhone…

Kent/London (but I’d travel to Brum/Manchester as well).