⭐ ULTIMATE SCREENSHOT CREATOR ⭐ - perfect for marketing and ingame screenshots

Ultimate Screenshot Creator 1.7
for Unity 5.0 to 2022.1

Asset store - Documentation - Support - MORE DETAILS

ULTIMATE SCREENSHOT CREATOR is the most complete and customizable screenshot creator available on the asset store. The asset is powerful, flexible, easy to use, and works in Editor and on all platforms.

For developers, it is the ideal tool to create professional marketing pictures, wallpapers and mobile store screenshots, using custom cameras, resolutions, backgrounds, watermarks, and more. Use the composition and batches process to generate hundred of multilingual promotional pictures in one click.

For your users, it is the ideal tool to take in-game screenshots with a lot of custom settings, and to display and manage the screenshots from the game. Perfect for AR apps.

There are several ways to use the asset, such as the Editor Window, the Screenshot Manager component, and even direct calls from scripts to capture Screenshots or Textures.


(NEW) Take sreenshots in-game on all platforms.
(NEW) Export your screenshots to the Android Gallery.
(NEW) Export your screenshots to the iOS Camera Roll.
(NEW) Customizable in-game gallery to manage screnshots.
(NEW) Display a validation UI to the user to save the screenshot or discard it.
(NEW) Display a screenshot thumbnail when taking screenshots.
(NEW) Export the screenshots to platforms Picture Folder.
(NEW) Capture off-screen scenes.


(NEW) Generate hundreds of multilingual promotional pictures with the customizable composer and batch process.
• Capture multiple resolution screenshots in one click.
(NEW) Create custom presets and collections that can be shared between projects.
(NEW) A localization feature has been added to easily localize your screenshots, and can be used independently to localize your whole game.
• Customizable set of cameras with custom rendering properties, such as culling mask, clear mode, clear color and field of view.
• Customizable overlay system to automatically include your game logo, watermarks, and more.
(NEW) Export to separated layers.
(NEW) Create custom process to be used in automated screenshot generation.
In-game preview with photography guides to better frame your screenshots.
Burst mode not to miss the best moments, or to be used as input of a GIF creator software.
Ultra HD screenshots, perfect to print large marketing signs.
(NEW) Capture only a sub-part of the screen with the Capture Area Selection.
Powerful naming system with symbols to customize the export folder and file names.
• Easily export screenshots for all Stores (Amazon, Google Play, App Store, Windows Store, etc.)


• Clear and detailed documentation.
Regular updates.
New features added regularly.
Reactive and efficient customer support.

More Features:

(NEW) Use the Screenshot Editor Window to easily take screenshots in editor.
(NEW) Use the Simple Screenshot Taker to easily take screenshots from one line of code.
• Export to PNG and JPG.
• Robust transparent background solution.
• Landscape and portrait mode.
• Screenshot preview, with photography guides.
• Customizable shot sound.
• Customizable hotkeys.
• Customizable export folder.
• Align cameras to view utils.
• Time management utils.
• Automatically increment file names or override existing files.
• Compatible with the new Post Process Stack.
(NEW) Support multi-display settings.
(NEW) Support of WebGL.
• Use the delegates to call your code during the capture process.
• It can capture perfectly all game UI, including Unity 4.6 and later UI system.

You want more? With Multi Device Preview & Gallery, get an accurate preview of your game on any devices, with multiple resolutions, aspects, and physical sizes (ppi simulation) at a glance. It contains all the features of this asset, and much more.


  • Note that at runtime it is not possible to capture UI with a resolution different than the screen resolution. For more information look the Documentation section 3.1 : Capture Mode.

Upcoming Features

Please do not hesitate to contact me if you have a feature request.



Wild Mage Games
More assets from Wild Mage Games

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Ultimate Screenshot Creator 1.1 as been submitted to the asset store and is awaiting validation.
It supports Unity from 4.6 to 5.6 beta.

Version 1.1:

  • New capture mode: RENDER_TO_TEXTURE.
  • Possibility to capture screenshots in builds using RENDER_TO_TEXTURE.
  • Orientation is now an independent property.
  • Added the possibility to recompute the alpha layer in RGBA if destructed by camera effects.
  • Extracted code from ScreenshotManager.cs to ScreenshotTaker.cs for all capture related code, and to TextureExporter.cs for all export related code.
  • Programmer friendly API, can now call capture from code.
  • Tooltips added to the inspector.

Can it display the gizmos in the screenshot? For example will the green box be included?

The other screenshot assets I used just showed the orange model…

The tool looks really good btw, the sounds when taking the shot scared me though :wink:


The asset captures exactly what you see on the Gameview. So, if your gizmos are visibles in the gameview (check the gizmos menu items in the gameview window) they should be captured. I just tested it with a monobehavior with a onDrawGizmos() method.

However, if your green box is rendered with a specific rendering process it should also work but I can not be sure since I can not test it, but if it is not the case I will be here to help, or you can ask for a refund.

Sorry for the shot sounds in the video, I will mute it.

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Ultimate Screenshot Creator 1.1 is now available on the asset store.

I updated the upcoming feature list. If you have a feature request for the next updates, do not hesitate to contact me.

Ultimate Screenshot Creator 1.1.1 as been submitted to the asset store and is awaiting validation.

Version 1.1.1

  • Full support of Unity 5.6.
  • MultiSampling AntiAliasing support in RENDER_TO_TEXTURE mode.

Ultimate Screenshot Creator 1.1.1 is on sale until April 30th: 30% OFF

Hello, I have purchased your excellent plugin.
The Editor colours are a bit “weird” and difficult to read.
Please see attached screenshot.

Kind regards.


Thank you for your purchase and nice comment.

I forgot that the text is in white in Unity Pro, so it makes it less readable with the almost white background color of the box. Here is a quick fix: on the file “ScreenshotManagerInspector.cs”, change the color alpha value to 0.1f in the InitBackgroundBoxStyle() method:

                104. Color col = Color.white;
                105. col.a = 0.1f;

I can send you the corrected script if you want.

I will publish an update on the store as soon as possible.

Thanks a lot!

So I corrected the background color issue, and submitted Ultimate Screenshot Creator 1.1.2 to the asset store. The asset is awaiting validation, you can contact me if you want that I send it to you directly.

Version 1.1.2

  • Fixed inspector background color in Unity Pro.
  • Improved example camera controller.

The sale continues until May 31st: 25% OFF !

Ultimate Screenshot Creator 1.2 has been released on the asset store, with a lot of new features!
You can now take screenshots with UI from all platforms, and it also add your pictures to Android Gallery and iOS Camera Roll!

Version 1.2:

  • Automatically add the screenshots to the Android Gallery.

  • Automatically add the screenshots to the iOS Camera Roll.

  • New capture mode: FIXED_GAMEVIEW, to capture the game screen on all platforms, including UI.

  • New export mode: PICTURE_FOLDER, to export in the plaform specific picture folder.

  • Multi-display support.

  • Added a message canvas do display a success or failure text in-game.

Hey there - purchased the plugin and am having trouble with setting up saving the screenshots into the Android/iOS gallery. How exactly do I do this?

Thanks for purchasing Ultimate Screenshot Creator.
I think you are the same person who contacted me by email, but I let here some instructions for other people:

To create screenshots on Android/iOS:

  • put the screenshot manager on your scene
  • configure the capture settings. Check that the capture mode is “Fixed_gameview” or “Render_to_texture”. On iOS and Android I recommend “Fixed_gameview” to capture exactly what is on screen, including UI.
  • configure the export directory. On iOS and Android I recommend “picture folder”.

Ultimate Screenshot Creator 1.2.2 has been released on the asset store.

Version 1.2.2:

  • (Fix) Android picture export folder.
  • Added support for WebGL.
  • Better documentation for platform specific setup.


The 1.2.2 version export screenshot in iOS 11 not working. It can work in Mac Editor, but not in the iOS 11. Did I miss anything?

  • call the ScreenshotManager.Capture() function to capture the screenshot,
  • capture mode is “Fixed_gameview”
  • destination is “Picture_folder”
    -The log in the iOSUtils.m file is not showing, and I’m not sure if the _AddImageToGallery function is working.


Thanks for purchasing Ultimate Screenshot Creator :slight_smile:

  • Did you move the Plugins folder at the root of your Assets folder?
    You should have the file like this: Assets/Plugins/iOS/iOSUtils.m

  • Can you tell me more? Is there an error message ? Is the image created in the directory ? Can you send me the log at support@wildmagegames.com ?

Yes, I moved the plugins folder to the root asset folder

the error message is

Creating directory /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/76ECE339-8524-4B55-96FD-D4E4A4B23104/Screenshots
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, String, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
AlmostEngine.Screenshot.TextureExporter:ExportToFile(Texture2D, String, ImageFormat, Int32)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

Failed to create directory : /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/76ECE339-8524-4B55-96FD-D4E4A4B23104/Screenshots
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, String, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
AlmostEngine.Screenshot.TextureExporter:ExportToFile(Texture2D, String, ImageFormat, Int32)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)

Failed to create : /private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/76ECE339-8524-4B55-96FD-D4E4A4B23104/Screenshots/arbear1536x2048.png
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:Internal_Log(LogType, String, Object)
UnityEngine.DebugLogHandler:LogFormat(LogType, Object, String, Object[])
UnityEngine.Logger:Log(LogType, Object)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext(IEnumerator, IntPtr)
(Filename: /Users/builduser/buildslave/unity/build/artifacts/generated/common/runtime/DebugBindings.gen.cpp Line: 51)


If I use Persistent_data_path as destination, it works.
my problem solved now.

The document may need an upadte;)