Send me a PM. I’ve got a discount for you
Just added some epic potential with a custom shader to highlight intersections with geometry using Shuriken. This will be part of the game I’m working on to be included in future versions demonstrating how to use UVFX in real dev. environments.
Inspired by the neon planar intersection effect using particles from InFamous: Second Son.
BTW, I thought I’d mention that I had already bought UVFX before I received Mirza’s kind note above, but I was able to use his generosity to send a copy of UVFX to a friend.
Added another prefab just now! - “Dawn of Souls”. Roughly inspired by the Farplane from Final Fantasy X and X-2.
FFX and X-2:
Added a real-time, particle-based distortion shader and some new prefabs to show it off. Also updated the demo scene to reflect how UVFX would composite into next-gen games. Going to go back and retroactively update some prefabs that would look good with the new effect(s)!
The effect below is also using a custom shader to both render the smoke, as well as the turbulence.
And another screen from yesterday…for fun:
This is all coming out in the next update!
Looking good!
INFERNO - AAA title xXMLG360NOSCOPEXx multi-million dollar budget edition.
Suitable for Call of Duty 12, Crysis 4, and Final Fantasy MMMMCMXCIX. Or your next game
^Since fire is popular. I added this effect which demonstrates how to use UVFX for flamethrower, lava field, and ring of fire effects…in the same prefab. Also putting that distortion shader to good use!
With “advanced rendering” off, it’s better suited for low-end machines (including mobile). I did manage to build and run UVFX for Android running on my Galaxy S5.
INFERNO - circa 1998.
After compressing the textures to half their resolution or less (native resolution is mostly 4096^2) from within Unity’s importer, performance was satisfactory. Most of these prefabs have a lot of large, screen-hogging textures, so that would need to be optimized. But the instantiated effects that didn’t have those worked well!
As it turns out, the new particle water effect looks amazing. The advantage here is that you can have realistic looking water and control it’s flow. I’ll be experimenting more with that later.
Just putting the final touches on the next major release!
UVFX will likely get a price hike to $25 - $35, but I’m not sure about the release of VFX Fire Pack.
What’s in the Fire pack compared to the Ultimate?
The fire pack is an entirely different asset. It doesn’t share textures from UVFX but was (mostly) created from Shuriken particle system animations that were built from UVFX and baked into spritesheets using the tool mentioned a while back.
It doesn’t hold up to UVFX, so it’ll either be really cheap, or maybe even free.
The next release will be built with Unity 5.2, so that’s the recommended version to have running.
v1.5 of UVFX has much better fire systems entirely which you can try out using the same demo link in the first post. Blood and liquid effects are a new addition to the instantiable set as well. The newest textures also have a massive 8192x8192 pixel resolution (the maximum Unity supports). You can always change the import options when building for mobile.
So the new fire pack is mainly old fire effects from UVFX?
The new fire FX in UVFX are … hot.
Not quite! Similar to the earlier screenshot, say I create a fire effect using UVFX.
Above you’ll see one of the prefabs, and to the right is the tool I made with the prefab selected.
This is a different screen, but it shows how that once I have an effect ready, I can bake it into a spritesheet. In this screen you can see the 8x8 (64 frame) spritesheet overlayed on the top left.
I can then use the spritesheet to create completely new effects that are actually more optimized than the original because it has multiple systems and textures baked into every single frame. It’s especially handy for mobile.
Like this (from VFX Fire Pack).
So technically speaking, UVFX has the superior fire effects on all counts, and far more potential. But VFX Fire Pack is still useful for many types of effects since it uses different textures.
Showing off some of the new effects. I’ll be submitting this to the store tomorrow, so it should be available by the end of the week. This time, I’ve included all the post-effects in the package so you’ll get exactly what you see here.
With all the new additions, the *.unitypackage is now around 850mb, possibly making this one of the (if not THE) biggest particle systems package on the entire store.
Wow, that IS big! That’s because a lot of the textures are at very high resolution, right?
Looking forward to it!
Yeah, the newest textures are 8192x8192. For the 8x8 spritesheets, that’s 1024 per frame! The upload is complete, so all that’s left is to wait for an approval.
UVFX 1.5.0 is on the asset store!
This version has image effects from the demo included, as well as 8 custom [optional] particle shaders for things like distortion, cutoff, etc., and one full screen effect.
__**Unity Asset Store - The Best Assets for Game Making
To make sure you get the the latest version, please download with Unity 5.2.0 or higher.
I’m back!
I’m excited to say that UVFX will be part of an upcoming sale by Unity THIS weekend (45% off).
I also have some new effects to show off that will be part of a FREE asset release next week (I’m currently uploading the package). I’ve already posted several screens for this same asset earlier, but here are some new ones (made entirely within Unity as always):
The reason this asset is free is because it originally started out as an experiment for the Shuriken->spritesheet conversion tool I mentioned earlier in this thread. I haven’t put nearly as much effort into it as UVFX, but it’s still a high-quality asset that I feel is worth sharing.
Looks beautiful!
I think your sale is going to go pretty well. And at least one person is going to ask why the download is so big.
Thanks! I’m looking forward to answering a question like that.
Looks pretty cool, will definitely buy it this weekend!