hi all,
I have to write or find a shader or maybe an image effect which will allow my player to switch between normal vision and UltraViolet vision (black light). Il could be a post process effect too.
I made a lot or research and did not find what I’m expecting. Please help !
Thanks. Gil
I am guessing this is some kind of nightvision effect?
If you use deferred rendering on the camera you can make a fullscreen effect that samples the unlit diffuse gbuffer. This way you can add your own “lighting” and grayscale conversion to the final effect and see the scene even if lights are turned off.
thanks a lot for your help. I don’t think it’s the visual aspect I’m looking for. See what I want to get in attachment?
Your example looks achievable with a lut and maybe a little extra rimlight.
Maybe you can lerp between two texture based on their distance to the ‘light source’
Thanks It seems to be a good idea . The problem is that I have so many textures.
Thanks but not sure to be a able to do it by my own