I have a Problem with my “Talking Heads” which are a UMA head that is using SALSA to make lip sync talk.
SALSA Lipsync Suite - lip-sync, emote, head, eye, and eyelid control system. page-19#post-3523771
After upgrading to Unity 2018.1.3f1 it looks like this (with 2017 before it was okay):
I see an error message:
Exception: Bone not found.
UMA.UMASkeleton.GetRotation (Int32 nameHash) (at Assets/UMA/Core/StandardAssets/UMA/Scripts/UMASkeleton.cs:615)
UMA.PoseTools.UMAExpressionPlayer.Update () (at Assets/UMA/Core/StandardAssets/UMA/Scripts/UMAExpressionPlayer.cs:88)
I put a break point into and the nameHash given in this case is “0”.
The stack trace Looks like this:
Quaternion UMA.UMASkeleton:GetRotation (Int32)+0x0 at C:\Unity\Biotopia3D\Assets\UMA\Core\StandardAssets\UMA\Scripts\UMASkeleton.cs:606 C#
Void UMA.PoseTools.UMAExpressionPlayer:Update ()+0x29 at C:\Unity\Biotopia3D\Assets\UMA\Core\StandardAssets\UMA\Scripts\UMAExpressionPlayer.cs:88 C#
Do you have an idea why headHash is “0” and how to fix it?
It is the latest UMA develop Version from GitHub from yesterday, but after upgrading to Unity 2018 and with an older UMA Version I had the same problem.
Was there a name of a bone or an animation changed Maybe? I would assume that, but in Unity 2017 it was okay…
Thanks a lot!