Umbrella Corps -- Capcom Game made with Unity

Hey all. Just a bit curious about capcoms shooter “Umbrella Corps”. Link :

Looks nice & seems to make fun while playing it.

My question is : Why is capcom using Unity3D, instead of their own game-engine ? I have a guessing, but i am not sure. What do you think … ?


I think they couldn’t resist free Unity socks.


Care to share your guess?
I have no clue. Maybe there engine is difficult to create with.

I’m more interested to know why that guy’s fly is down? Someone should really tell him…


Plenty of reasons to use Unity over a proprietary engine. One being that somebody else pays the wages of the engineers needed to maintain it.

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Game engine developers are not cheap. Spending only $1,500 per developer is.


Cause you don’t have to spend millions $ on 400 plus engineers and your game will also be multi-platform with little to almost no effort.

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Ahh…bcause of these socks. :slight_smile: of course. I want some too ! Ehm , my first guessing was: the wide variety of publishing with U5. Second guessing: their own engine is stucking somewhere, somehow. So no time & money to catch up with the other big GameEngines. So they descided to select one. Maybe the BusinessModel of the availible Engines was very important. Because of that, i think they jumped to Unity5 instead of Unreal…

Maybe they wanted to show gamers that Unity can be used to make not only simulators and mobile games.

Most likely they are making a number of games based on their IP, and the team they hired for this game was familiar with Unity.

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Fans don’t exactly want this game if you look at the comment section.


Is it just me or is Unity going AAA?? :sunglasses:

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For reference. :wink:

How is that even possible? Forums told me unity is all broken and stuff.


I really think they don’t give a sh1t about what gamers think about Unity.

Honestly my impression from the trailer was that this is a hyped up mobile game. The only explanation I have for seeing only PS4 and steam logos at the end of the trailer is that it is a tactical decision. PC ports of mobile games don’t do too well on steam in terms of reviews. If they just release the game on PS4 and steam first and then publish to iOS and Android 3 months later that changes the narrative to “full blown pc/console game now available on iOS”, which sounds a whole lot better than “mobile port now on steam”. It also makes more sense to release first in the market that has the higher tolerance for higher priced games. PC gamers don’t bat an eye if a multiplayer game is 20$, not so sure how well that would be received on iOS. It used to be an insane thing to do, but I don’t follow that market at all. Chances are this will be a f2p game anyway…

None of that has anything to do with Unity. What I like about the look of the game has nothing to do with the engine and what I don’t like about the look of the game also has nothing to do with the engine.


With enough money, it is possible to get source code access, that’s how.

Actually, that would make a lot of sense. Basically, same thing as Deus Ex: The Fall, which got mostly negative reviews on steam.

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With that much money you can also hire programmers who have a clue when it comes to work arounds. :wink:

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Actually even you said Disney is still using Unity 4.6 and will move to 5.1(not 5.2 ,not 5.3), so if Disney refuse to move to the latest version, it says a lot.
Normally a new version, unless is a major overhaul like Unity 5.0, is supposed to be more stable not less.
Instead it seem they are rewriting the core features in every release.


At some point it is cheaper to get source code access instead of trying to figure out a workaround that might not exist. Because without source access, your “programmers with a clue” often will have to reimplement half of the engine themselves. At that point there will be not much of a reason to keep using the engine.