Not Disney, just SWC, which launched on 4.2. 2 years ago. (Which is going to 5.1 first, so not to do all the API changes in one shot). It’s a massive code base, and stable, we really wouldn’t be upgrading at all, except that 4 is no longer supported, it’s mainly preventative in case of device updates.
Our studio’s most recent launch (in geo-beta) is 5.2, and our all of our other in-development games are 5.2 - 5.3. Which are still a year out, so probably will upgrade further prior to launch.
No worries. 5.1.4 is the earliest, most stable version of 5, with the least amount of API changes.
With the exception of a handful of 5.2 patch versions, overall our experience with 5x has been generally solid. But our development style is more traditional, so we don’t use the editor all that much. Seems a little of the issues folks are having is editor related.
Well it depends - if you have very specific requirements, that no game engine can meet the way you want, creating your own engine is okay (if you plan to use it for more than one game that is). But if there’s an engine that can do everything you need and if the studios working for you are rather small (even big publishers work with small studios once in a while), using an engine like Unity can easily be cheaper and faster.
You need someone capable of making the necessary adjustments to the engine’s internals. Most likely that will mean hiring that programmer that @Kiwasi mentioned. Of course at the point you’re licensing access to Unity’s source the cost of hiring a programmer is likely the least of your concerns.
I’d guess people perceive it as a quick cash grab.
Resident evil franchise is traditionally survival horror, more or less.
And this one is competetive shooter. I think there are plenty of competetive shooters today, and none of them ever caught my attention, even though I used to like FPS genre.
Comment section also repeatedly mention “operation racoon city”, which has mixed reviews on steam.
I thought people became that hard to impress nowadays. The game looks pretty good… in spite not being a breakthrough of any kind, and its an overused franchise, and genre.
Unity or not doesn’t matter to gamers. Trolls will use whatever they can to get heard and sound smarter than fellow trolls though, and that’s usually unity bashing. These guys are a tiniest vocal minority. Not sure why anyone listens to them. Normal people just want great games.
Lets be honest, who would care about that game if it had neither the unity logo nor the well known franchise? People here (might) get hyped because sadly it seems rather unusual to see somewhat AAA-ish looking Unity games. And on Youtube they hate because they care about their beloved franchise a lot and they get the feeling that the publisher doesn’t, because there is such a hard mismatch between what this game genre stands for and what the franchise grew from. Personally I don’t care at all about the franchise, I neither like nor dislike it. All I see is a 3rd person cover based shooter that looks like it has a bunch of contextual QTEs trying to make it look cooler than it is, janky controls (I could have sworn someone was playing the demo footage on an iPad with virtual stick controls), bad gunplay feedback and mediocre animations. Why should I care?
Loyal fans do want a good game but why can’t we have a competitive shooter with B.O.W.s? I think it sounds really cool if done right! Capcom I have faith in you, do not let me down.