uMOBA - the first multiplayer MOBA project on the Asset Store!
(Asset Store) (WebGL Demo) (Chat) (Documentation)
The previous uMMORPG asset solved a lot of difficult networking issues. Many developers wanted to learn how to create a Dota/League of Legends style MOBA game with Unity, so we created one!
uMOBA is developed by @mischa2k and @ArtsyChen . Please post your questions and feature requests in this thread. We will keep you up to date about any changes here!
- Fully Unity + UNET based
- Same Scripts for Client & Server
- Beautiful, customizable UI
- Huge MOBA sized map
- Uses Unityâs new UI system
- Players, Monsters, NPCs
- Jungle Creeps
- Towers, Barracks, Bases
- Fog of War & Team Proximity Checker
- Movement via Navigation
- Animations via Mecanim
- Beautiful 3D Models
- 3 Lanes
- Team based Health Bars
- Team, All, Whisper, Info Chat
- Minimap
- Levels
- Skills & Buffs, AoE Skills, Skill Levels
- Items & Gold
- Hero Selection
- NPC Trading
- PvP
- Death and Respawning
- Only 2500 lines of carefully crafted C# Code
- Secure: all Logic is simulated on the Server
- Server can run on Linux in Headless mode
- MOBA Camera with Zoom
- Lobby & Matchmaking
- Network Time Synchronization
- Platform Independent: works where UNET works
- Mobile Support
- Free of Deadlocks & Race Conditions
- Death and Respawning
All the architecture was designed with simplicity in mind. The code will be kept as short and as simple as possible - this is the only way for a indie MOBA to succeed.
V1.0 [released 2016-06-08]
First release with a whole lot of features already.
V1.1 [released 2016-06-14]
Note: please Upgrade to Unity 5.3.5!
Upgraded to Unity 5.3.5
Adjusted the rocks
Players canât attack themselves anymore
Added NetworkProximityCheckerCustom to entities
Inventory Hotkeys
Improved tower positions
Slightly increased monster aggro radius
Updated documentation
AoE skills
V1.2 [released 2016-06-16]
Updated Documentation
Heroes now have 5 Skills (1 default attack and 4 QWER skills)
Players can now assign one skillpoint in level 1 already
Projectiles rotation is now set in Start already
V1.3 [released 2016-06-22]
Note: when upgrading your custom projects, make sure to also redo all properties for you skills.
Skill upgrades
Utils.PrettyTime doesnât return an empty string for â0â anymore
Added a missing target null check in UpdateCasting
Monsters donât nervously switch between two close entities anymore. Only if one of them is 20% closer than the current target
Removed unused Monster.rewardSkillExp property
Players now gain gold and experience rewards from towers
V1.4 [released 2016-06-27]
Skills and Items are now loaded via Resources.LoadAll and were moved into the resources folder
Adjusted NavMesh settings so that the indicator circle isnât below the surface anymore
Removed unused properties: Player.account, Player.className
Skill.autorepeat is now skill.followupDefaultAttack. Casting an attack skill on a target wonât stop the combat afterwards anymore and the hero will keep attacking with the default attack instead.
Renamed âTowerEvilxâ prefab to âTowerEvilâ
Deleted unused tower_heroic prefab
Adjusted health bar colors to green and brown
Disabled damage popups like in most MOBA games
Casting a skill is now canceled if the target disappeared or died
Simplified player skill animations. Only using âskillCurâ variable for everything now.
Player OnDestroy syntax improved
Player.LateUpdate now uses the ClientCallback attribute instead of the âisClientâ check
All animations now have the correct exit time, because Unity expects it to be normalized, which it wasnât before.
Simplified Player.CancelAction function
V1.5 [released 2016-07-03]
New Scarab minions
Skill system moved to Entity.cs so that Players, Monsters and Towers can all use it
Monsters and Players now use the âspeedâ parameter for animations again. Also added a comment about why this is so important.
Slightly reduced the area light intensity.
V1.6 [released 2016-07-18]
Disabled fog to improve performance
Removed two of the four lights to improve performance
New deterministic finite state machine
Each state reacts to each event now
The state can now only be set via return value of the state update function
Fixes a few state related issues
Everything is much simpler and cleaner now
New BaseEvil and BaseGood models
Note: they will be used for the barracks later, but they look really cool as bases too
Adjusted a foliage Y position near the evil base
V1.7 [released 2016-07-22]
Tooltips for Quests, Items and Skills reimplemented.
The code is much simpler and the tooltip text can be set in the Inspector. The code simply replaces the variables like {DAMAGE} in the tooltip text.
Not all items have to have the same tooltip now. Health potions can simply contain the amount healed, they donât need to show that they do 0 damage etc.
All tooltip code was moved out of SkillTemplate/ItemTemplate and into Skill/Item for consistency.
Player automatically respawns after a certain time now.
Removed target window.
Removed duplicate EntityTargetSync component from Orc.
Added missing NetworkNavMeshAgent component to Orc.
Added CannonBalls and Scarabs to LobbyManager registered spawnable prefabs list to avoid UNET bugs in clients.
Skill constructor time code syntax improved.
Extensions import syntax improved.
ConsoleGUI syntax improved by moving the #if #endif macro around Awake.
Entity doesnât require an animator component anymore. Players and monsters do now. This is for cases where Entities donât have animations (towers, dummies, etc.).
Entity doesnât cache transform component as âtrâ anymore for easier readability and shorter code.
Entity.IsMoving syntax improved.
Entity.OnAggro syntax improved.
Entity.CastCheckTarget syntax improved.
V1.8 [released 2016-07-26]
Barracks now have a death animation
Renamed Foliage5 to Foliage for consistency
Players now lose gold on death too
Entities can now be invincible as long as all entities in a certain list are still alive. For example, the base is now invincible while all towers are alive.
Moved Editor folder into Standard Assets folder.
Implemented NetworkProximityCheckerTeam. Players now get updates in visRange of themselves AND in visRange of every team member.
All entities use the same visRange now.
Renamed skill file to 123Skill.cs to work around a UNET bug.
Tower.UpdateServer_CASTING doesnât use agent.ResetPath anymore.
V1.9 [released 2016-08-01]
Fog of War
NetworkProximityCheckerTeam improvements
Trees now use the Cutout shader
Bases and Towers now have a Proximity Checker
V1.10 [released 2016-08-08]
Upgraded to Unity 5.3.6
Camera scrolling
Right click is now for movement and normal attack; left click for selections
Skill casting mechanic redesigned. Players can now click on a skill and then select the target to cast it on.
CmdUseSkill is only sent when the skill is ready
Orc hero now has 6 levels of experience, mana, health so that he can actually learn the ultimate ability
V1.11 [released 2016-08-09]
Unlearned skills tooltip now includes ârequired levelâ
NPC Trading window can now be opened properly again with the new skill system
Improved NPCGood position for easier targeting
Mouseover Outline effect for all entities
V1.12 [released 2016-08-15]
MouseoverOutline has a material parameter check now to avoid access errors
Simplified MouseoverOutline visibility by using the outline colorâs alpha channel
V1.13 [released 2016-08-24]
Removed unused imports in MouseoverOutline
Downgrade to Unity 5.3.5 to avoid destroy canvas crash bug
Monster.EventRespawn only fires if respawn is also true
UI split from UIRefresh into several smaller components that are all attached to their corresponding canvas elements now
UI Shortcuts, Skills, NPC Trading windows automatically adjust to the amount of slots
Changed more texture types to Truecolor to avoid WebGL black textures bug
Removed unused Player GetIndexByName functions because they werenât used anymore
Updated documentation
V1.14 [released 2016-09-07]
Upgrade to Unity 5.4. Please make sure to use it as well.
Fixed <= usage for skillIndex <= skills.Count instead of < skills.Count
Only update Npc Trading while the panel is active
CastCheckTarget now sets target to self first if needed for a heal, buff, etc.
Updated NetworkLobby asset to latest version. Works with Unity 5.4 now.
Note: donât rename the lobby scene to anything with a capital letter, because there is a bug that prevents us from dragging it into the scene slot in the LobbyManager.
Fixed respawn time on clients. It uses the NetworkTime.offset now.
Removed damage popup prefab since itâs not being used at the moment
UI Quit button has a tooltip now
Utils.IsCursorOverUserInterface function that checks UI and OnGUI now
Entity .hp and .mp never return anything bigger than hpMax/mpMax now to avoid cases where HpPercentage would be bigger than one.
Fixed PlayerDndHandling split and merge comments which were the wrong way around
PlayerDndHandling is not a NetworkBehaviour anymore
Moved all UI scripts into a UI folder
Moved all OnGUI scripts into a OnGUI folder
Moved BalancePrefabs to UIUtils
Renamed ConsoleGUI to GUIConsole for consistency
V1.15 [released 2016-09-14]
New Map with more towers on each lane
Removed unecessary NetworkStartPosition component from monster spawners
Damage Popups via TextMesh to avoid UI crash bug and memory leaks
RPCShowDamagePopup sets TextMesh instead of Text now
Properly deselect chat to avoid reactivating/scrolling when doing WSAD movement afterward using the chat
Increase NetworkProximityChecker visRange to be able to see more on the new map
Added âIgnored by Minimapâ layer; Foliage, Trees, River arenât drawn on the minimap to save a lot of computations
Monster goal logic improved. They walk to one tower after another now instead of walking to the first enemy tower directly
Tower aggro area increased to 13
Using NetworkProximity Team checker again to see all team memberâs proximity too
Proper workaround for critical UNET readstring/readbytes out of range bug to avoid it once and for all
Items and Skills can now be created via right click â Create menu directly
Adjusted camera angle to 55 degree
Monsters, Towers, Barracks return a fixed amount of reward gold now
Entity UI health bars replaced with TextMesh healthbars to avoid Unityâs Canvas Destroy crash bug
Win/Lose UI performance improved greatly
Entity.teams HashSet to cache evil and good team members instead of using Player.FindEnemies/FindTeam with FindObjectsOfType. This is a huge performance boost.
Camera scrolling speed is FPS independent via Time.deltaTime now
Android and WebGL default quality set to Fast with shadow distance of 40 now
Player name ingame is now set to the player name that was entered in the lobby
Moba like small, orange experience bar
Barracks are now destroyed when they die
V1.16 [released 2016-09-19]
Gold Popups
Gold and damage RPCs are now sent to the attack to avoid cases where the target dies and the RPC doesnât reach it in time
Tooltips background color changed to a transparent navy blue for better readability
Renamed entity backdoor protection variable to invincibleWhileAllAlife for clarity
Fixed base tower backdoor protection
Towers and barracks use NavMeshObstacles with Carving now instead of being static, so that the paths are freed after they die
Updated documentation quick start guide
Updated documentation required Unity version
Updated documentation logo
Skills and Item hotkeys only work while not typing in any input now
MouseoverOutline script now sets parameters for all materials, not just for the first one
New OutlineOnly shader that can be used with a second material, so that the main one can use Unityâs standard shader (for self shadows, standing in water, etc.)
Bases are not static anymore and use NavMeshObstacles as well
NavMesh Areas for bottom, middle and top lane. Monsters now prefer them instead of walking directly to their goal. This greatly improves the monster AI.
NetworkNavMeshAgent synchronizes the NavMesh Area costs to the client
V1.17 [released 2016-09-28]
Upgraded to Unity 5.4.1p2 for important bug fixes.
Camera scrolling now only works while the window is focused
Player Mesh is now shown again after respawning
Adjusted some environment stone positions
Implemented forest monsters (skeleton)
Added âNeutralâ team to team enum
Fixed health bar visibility interfering with NetworkProximityCheckerâs visibility code
Greatly reduced NavMesh size from 2.5mb to 700kb. This reduces build size and speeds up monster pathfinding greatly.
Minimap only renders every half second instead of every frame. This greatly increases the FPS.
V1.18 [released 2016-10-06]
Completely new UI with a new transparent (and fading) Chat
Camera focuses on the player after respawning
Left click on Minimap to focus camera on that point
Right click on Minimap to move the player to that point
Space bar to refocus the camera on the player
CameraScrolling.FocusOn decreasing height issue fixed
Player.SetIndicatorViaParent, SetIndicatorViaPosition, CmdNavigateTo made public
Removed Animator components from all foliage
Adjusted Tower emission maps and colors
Player base damage and base defense are now publicly accessible
V1.19 [released 2016-10-13]
Entity.DealDamageAt now calls OnAggro by default instead of only doing it in Player.DealDamageAt
Scarab aggro range increased so that they attack the middle tower properly
Player: level based stats that are all stored in one array instead of all over the place. Damage and Defense are now level based too.
Fixed experience gaining bug where exp was set to gained amount instead of increased by gained amount.
Fixed UI Buffs position so that it can be seen again
SkillTemplate uses [Header] now for easier usage
ItemTemplate uses [Header] now for easier usage
V1.20 [released 2016-10-25]
PlayerChat.CmdWhisper syntax: added missing space in foreach loop
NavMeshAgent SendInterval changed from 0 to 9999 for clarity
Removed unnecessary [Server] tag from Entity.OnStartServer
Removed unnecessary [Server] tag from Monster.OnStartServer
Removed unnecessary [Server] tag from Npc.OnStartServer
Removed unnecessary [Server] tag from Barrack.OnStartServer
Removed unnecessary [Server] tag from Base.OnStartServer
Removed unnecessary [Server] tag from Tower.OnStartServer
UIUtils is just a default class now and doesnât inherit from MonoBehaviour anymore
V1.21 [released 2016-11-16]
Upgraded to Unity 5.4.2p3 for the UNET OnDisconnectError bug fix
Hero Selection
UIUtils.AnyInputActive performance improved. Doesnât use FindObjectOfType anymore.
Entity.OnNetworkDestroy removes entity from Entity.teams too. Fixes a NullReferenceException bug after a client disconnects.
V1.22 [released 2016-11-28]
DestroyAfter.cs comment typo fixed
TargetRpc attribute is now used for all chat messages
Removed NetworkMessages script because itâs not needed anymore
Each hero can have a different portrait now: just drag it into the Player scriptâs Portrait slot
Added a video to the Asset Store page
V1.23 [released 2016-12-07]
Upgraded to Unity 5.4.3p1 for a UNET WebGL fix. Also make sure to drag each monster and tower into their child AggroArea objectâs owner slot once. Also make sure to drag the DamagePopup and GoldPopup prefabâs main TextMesh into the child Shadow TextMeshCopyText source slot.
Block rate implemented
Critical rate implemented
Player.OnDestroy isLocalPlayer UNET bug workaround
Items and Skills now have a .template property in case we need it
Monster syntax improved
Player.CmdNpcBuyItem simplified
AggroArea uses serialized owner now
SkillTemplate lambda: item renamed to skill
ItemTemplate and SkillTemplate use ?? for easier cache initialization now
NetworkTime.time added for easier server time access
Skill syntax improved
EntityTargetSync simplified via ternary operator
Extensions.FindRecursively simplified via Array.Find
NetworkNavMeshAgent indentation improved
PlayerChat syntax simplified
Projectile syntax simplified
TextMeshCopyText target renamed to source for consistency
Utils.AnyKeyUp and Utils.AnyKeyDown use Linq.Any extension now
Utils.ClosestDistance simplified
Utils.GetAxisRawScrollUniversal syntax improved
GUIConsole if #UNITY_EDITOR contains the whole class now, not just the Awake function
Player lootRange removed
Player cmdEvents is now properly initialized as string instead of String
UIDragAndDropable syntax improved
DamagePopup and GoldPopup shadow Z coordinate changed to 0.02 to fix a rare issue where the shadow would be in front of the main text
Entity caches animator component now so that Player and Monster donât have to call GetComponent anymore
V1.24 [released 2016-12-20]
Make sure to adjust all the animation controllers to the latest version and import all attack animations with âloop timeâ enabled.
States are now passed directly to the Animator to fix several animation glitches.
UIChat.AutoScroll is much faster now
UIChat.keepHistory to only keep a maximum amount of messages
âvarâ is not used for simple types like int, string, float anymore to prepare for bandwidth improvements
Improved Monster and Tower OnAggro distance comparison
UIChat.AddMessage GameObject âgâ renamed to âgoâ for consistency
Skill.buffsHp/MpPerSecond is now consistently a value like 0.1 = 10% instead of 10 = 10%
Removed Utils.Clamp because itâs not needed anymore
System.Math.Min/Max is now used instead of Utils.MinLong/MaxLong
Entity.Update clears hidden targets
Entity now uses a SyncVar for the target. EntityTargetSync script removed.
Entity.state, target, hp, mp are not explicitly âprivateâ anymore since the default accessibility is fine
V1.25 [released 2016-12-29]
Upgraded to Unity 5.5.0p1 for important bug fixes.
Color.ToHexString replaced with ColorUtility.ToHtmlStringRGBA
123Skill script renamed to Skill because SyncList name bug was finally fixed by Unity
UIDragAndDropable small syntax improvement
NetworkName, NetworkNavmeshAgents use Channels.DefaultUnreliable instead of â1â now
Network configuration improved for MOBAs
UINpcTrading sell slot tooltip is now hidden by default
Player Drag And Drop OnDragAndClear for NpcSellSlot added
V1.26 [released 2017-01-03]
Player.SkillPointsSpendable now includes the skill level in the calculation
Base death animation is played now
RpcShowGoldPopup moved from Entity to Player because itâs only ever needed by Players
ShowGoldPopup is now a TargetRPC and only shown for the player that gained the gold
All commands (except CmdSetTarget) now use the unreliable channel for better networking performance
PlayerChat TargetRPCs use the unreliable channel now
Entity and Player RPCs use the unreliable channel now
Lobby Network Manager OnValidate channel check added
Removed some UI Chat comments
â#ifdef 5.5 or newerâ used for âusing UnityEngine.AIâ for downwards compatibility
All textures use normal compression instead of uncompressed mode now. Reduces WebGL size from 48 to 30MB and OSX build size from 223 to 141 MB.
Player moving state casting cancel return âIDLEâ changed to âMOVINGâ to fix a bug where the player would slide to a dead monster
V1.27 [released 2017-02-22]
Upgrade info: make sure to adjust your animation controllers for all entities like they are in the new version.
New Base model
Player.SelectionHandling uses CanAttackType now
Replaced .tga textures with .png
Player.SelectionHandling click movement uses a new NavMeshAgent.NearestValidDestination now to avoid glitches when trying to walk into unreachable areas
Entity Animation controllers and scripts donât have an IDLE state anymore. Instead they go to IDLE if all others are false
Player and Monster only play the MOVING animation if agent.velocity != now
NavMeshAgent warp detection improved
Utils.IsNullOrWhitespace typo fixed
Utils.RandVec3XYZ removed
Player.OnDestroy isLocalPlayer workaround removed because the bug was fixed by Unity
Utils.PrettyTime uses milliseconds now if needed
Terrain metallic settings adjusted
V1.28 [released 2017-02-27]
Player.SelectionHandling: Npc talk fixed
V1.29 [released 2017-03-16]
Upgrade Info: a lot of variable names have been change to something more literal, like âhealthâ instead of âhpâ. Make sure to rename them in your custom projects too. It may take a few minutes, but itâs worth it.
Added outline shader to new base model
NetworkNavMeshAgent synchronizes the area costs again
NetworkNavMeshAgent OnDeserialize try-catch block to avoid packet corruption
Extensions syntax improved
PlayerChat, Skills, Items, Entities: many variables renamed to something more literal
V1.30 [released 2017-04-26]
Removed all FormerlySerializedAs attributes again
PlayerChat OnStartLocalPlayer: removed unnecessary [Client] tag
Player.talkRange renamed to interactionRange to prepare for addon system
PlayerChat renamed to Chat to prepare for addon system
Player.experience property recursion removed
PlayerDndHandling moved into Player script to prepare for addon system
Player.OnDragAndClear uses SendMessage to prepare for addon system
Skill.ToolTip and Item.ToolTip use StringBuilders for performance and to prepare for addon system
V1.31 [released 2017-06-15]
Upgraded to Unity 5.6.1p1! Make sure to use exactly that version, it works great.
New Skill Effect System (cast Blessing or Hard Shell to see it)
Orc Animation Controller: renamed states to skill names
Orc Animation Controller: added states for blessing, hard shell to avoid situations where the orc would keep playing the run animation when casting a skill while running
Orc, Skeleton, Scarab: enabled âloop poseâ for idle and run animations to fix a small twitching
health/manaRecoveryRate are now calculated with base + buffs in Entity. Removed Player.Recover function.
Entity healthRecovery, manaRecovery made public
Entity health/mana recovery + rates are not SycnVars anymore. Saves bandwidth and keeps more space for UNETâs 32 SyncVar limit
Entity OnStartServer health==0 check: updated outdated comment
Changed [SerializeField] to public (almost) everywhere for easier usage
Entity are now all public and assigned in the Inspector. Keep that in mind when upgrading.
Drag and Drop / Clear messages are now sent from UIDragAndDropable instead of Player. This way UIDragAndDropable doesnât need to know the Player class at all.
Adjusted lights to Unity 5.6.1p1
V1.32 [released 2017-06-20]
UNET GlobalConfig: ThreadPoolSize increased from 1 to 3
UNET ConnectionConfig optimized for MOBAs
New Fog of War. Cutout calculations are now done on the GPU instead of the CPU, which gives a huge performance boost.
Camera max zoom increased by one because it feels better
Removed the blue reflective light for additional FPS
Player.SelectionHandling improved for touch (mobile) controls
Camera automatically follows the player on mobile now
Android uses fastest graphics setting by default
Utils.IsCursorOverUserInterface touch check added so that the UI blocks touches on mobile devices too
Removed SSAO effect from Camera to avoid huge performance issues on mobile devices
V1.33 [released 2017-08-22]
Upgraded to Unity 2017.1.0p1
FogOfWarMask NullReferenceException on server fixed
Entity, SkillEffectProjectile: replaced GetComponentInChildren with .collider
NetworknavMeshAgent is now assigned in the Inspector to improve performance. Make sure to reassign it for all entities when updating.
NetworkNavMeshAgent pos renamed to position
Extensions: XML extensions removed because they arenât used anymore
Chat: ParseGeneral simplified
Player: InventorySlotsFree .Where.Count changed to .Count
Player: CanAttackType syntax simplified
Utils: IsNullOrWhitespace simplified
FaceCamera: only enabled while visible for performance improvements
NetworkProximityCheckerCustom: only checks player layernow. Make sure to reassign it to the Player layer for the Skeleton prefab when updating.
Physics Collision Matrix: IgnoreRayCast layer only colliders with player layer now to speed up AggroArea computations
UIShowTooltip: always updates tooltip text now to make sure that swapped out items are being refreshed immediately
V1.34 [released 2017-09-30]
Upgraded to Unity 2017.1.1p3
Updated documentation
SetNavMeshPathfindingIterationsPerFrame script renamed to NavMeshPathfindignIterationsPerFrame
Player: chat component is now assigned in the Inspector
Chat: player component is now assigned in the Inspector
MonsterSpawner: workaround for NavMeshAgent spawn bug added
Monster.OnDeath resets agent.path now to avoid sliding after death
V1.35 [released 2018-01-31]
Upgraded to Unity 2017.1.2p3
UIChat AddMessage keepHistory check deletes half the history each time to avoid lags
Entity.CanAttackType is now CanAttack
Entity.RpcShowDamagePopup improved: sends GameObject instead of Position (4 instead of 12 bytes) and uses the prefab of the object that was attacked
Player.TargetShowGoldPopup improved: sends GameObject instead of Position
NetworkTime: fixed a bug where a clientâs Network Time would get out of sync if the server lags
Quit button now stops the editor too
UnityVersionCheck component added so that people know which uMOBA version is the recommended one
Monsters cycle through the skill list now (if they have more than one)
Indicator via Projector instead of Plane. Now aligns perfectly to the underground.
Player.localPlayerClickThrough option
Player.OnDragAndDrop_InventorySlot_InventorySlot uses configurable keys now; Utils.AnyKeyPressed added
Monster.onAggro distance comparison doesnât happen for the same target anymore to save a lot of computations
Player.nextTarget is cleared after UpdateServer_CASTING in any case now
Entity has .effectMount now to avoid transform.FindRecursively call when spawning projectiles. Make sure to assign it to the entityâs transform or to the right hand when updating.
Animation controllers: currentSkill index replaced with skill name boolean paramters for simplicity. Make sure to use the new controllers when updating.
Entity.DealDamageAt: AoE functionality removed to prepare for new skill system
V1.36 [released 2018-02-06]
Important: this update will overwrite all old skills. Make backups before updating and then create your skills again.
Scriptable Skills
Entity uses LevelBasedValues for health, mana, damage etc.
V1.37 [released 2018-03-09]
Fog of War plane Y coordinate increased from 1 to 2 so that evil players donât see good base
Added empty Animator component to Tower Prefabs to fix NullReferenceException on dedicated server mode
Replaced Unityâs Network Lobby asset with a custom lobby to fix all the bugs
V1.38 [released 2018-10-19]
Shiori Hero added
V1.39 [released 2019-05-20]
Upgraded to Unity 2018.4.0 LTS
Pixel perfect Canvas
Switched UNET to Mirror. When upgrading manually, make sure to apply all the code changes and replace every prefabâs NetworkIdentity component with the Mirror NetworkIdentity component from the uMOBA/Plugins/Mirror folder.
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