UMotion - Animation Editor

I am attempting to make camera movement for first person animations I have but I have been having an issue setting it up to work at edit time rather than during play.

I have tried to capture the camera bone transform on the skeleton of the UMotion scene object, but I am running into problems getting the data to be fed from it because of the UMotion Locking that occurs.

I have the Game window opened at the same time as the scene view and I was trying to transfer the camera bones rotations over to the main camera using OnDrawGizmos for scene updating. At first it seemed to work, but after further iteration it didn’t and I couldn’t get past debugging it because of the UMotion Locking.

I have UMotion Professional.

Is there an easy way I can achieve this that I am overlooking?

wait, what? why you need to have the camera taking information from the bones?

Hi @Ghosthowl,
the UMotion Callback might be what you are looking for:

In case you need further assistance, please open a dedicated support thread on our official support forum (no account required):

Best regards,


When doing AAA animations for FPS games they utilize an animated ‘camera bone’ in the animations to make them feel more realistic.

Take this animation for example. The players camera moves to fit the motion of the animations.

Thank you very much! This is what I needed and I have it working now.

ok, I may have not understood you correctly. you are not trying to parent your camera to the character skeleton? is that correct? because that is not a good idea. You should have your camera separated from the skeleton and animate it by itself. that is because of when the skeleton animation, scale position stuff like that is calculated in the game loop and how it can mess the render of the camera.