Unable to activate a pooled license: Failure acquiring floating license

I am getting this errors when trying to build iOS. Any ideas?

[2022-09-30T13:26:24.746Z] - - ERROR: Unable to activate a pooled license: Failure acquiring floating license
[2022-09-30T13:26:43.141Z] - - ERROR: Unable to activate legacy license
[2022-09-30T13:28:28.568Z] - - FATAL: ! Unity player export failed!
[2022-09-30T13:26:24.746Z] - - ERROR: Unable to activate a pooled license: Failure acquiring floating license
[2022-09-30T13:26:24.747Z] - - WARN: Failed to acquire pooled license. Falling back to legacy
[2022-09-30T13:26:43.141Z] - - ERROR: Unable to activate legacy license
No Library cache found - ALL assets will be re-imported.
[2022-09-30T13:28:28.568Z] - - WARN: Running Unity in Batch Mode can help reproduce and debug potential build/test issues.
[2022-09-30T13:28:28.568Z] - - WARN: For the logfile option, replace “PATH_TO_LOG_FILE” with the path to the file you want Unity to output the logs to.
[2022-09-30T13:28:28.568Z] - - WARN: For the projectPath option, replace “PATH_TO_PROJECT” with the local path to your Unity project.
[2022-09-30T13:28:28.568Z] - - WARN: For the testResults option, replace “PATH_TO_TEST_RESULTS” with the path to the xml file you want Unity to output the test results to.
[2022-09-30T13:28:28.568Z] - - WARN: Try running Unity 2022.1.5f1 in batch mode locally with the following commands:
[2022-09-30T13:28:28.568Z] - - WARN: When running from Mac:
[2022-09-30T13:28:28.568Z] - - WARN: /APPLICATION_PATH/Unity/Hub/Editor/2022.1.5f1/Unity.app/Contents/MacOS/Unity -logFile “PATH_TO_LOG_FILE” -projectPath “PATH_TO_PROJECT” -batchmode -skipMissingProjectID -skipMissingUPID -buildTarget ios --quit
[2022-09-30T13:28:28.568Z] - - WARN: For additional information on building in Batch Mode see Unity - Manual: Unity Editor command line arguments
[2022-09-30T13:28:28.568Z] - - FATAL: ! Unity player export failed!

If we aren’t able to eventually acquire a license would we exit before even running Unity. The FATAL at the end of your log is the key thing. I would recommend looking at your Full Log under the building unity portion to identify where the build is failing. I would also recommend running Unity in batch mode like the warning output states. If you run into issue in batch mode than you will 100% for sure have issues in cloud build.

Thanks for your response. Sending the full log.

8480522–1127474–muzeum-trebisov-iosdistributionbrosvision-4.log.txt (612 KB)

This looks like the real issue:
3071: [2022-09-30T13:28:28Z - Unity] [Package Manager] Done resolving packages with errors in 13.58 seconds
3072: [2022-09-30T13:28:28Z - Unity] Failed to resolve packages: Tarball package [com.unity.xr-content.xr-sim-environments] cannot be found at path /BUILD_PATH/kexar66.m-zeum-trebi-ov.iosdistributionbrosvision/ContentPackages\com.unity.xr-content.xr-sim-environments-1.0.0-pre.1.tgz… No packages loaded.

i Have the same issue when building for ios.

[2023-02-06T20:50:03.438Z] - - ERROR: Unable to activate a pooled license: Failure acquiring floating license
[2023-02-06T20:50:21.705Z] - - ERROR: Unable to activate legacy license
[2023-02-06T20:52:04.219Z] - - ERROR: GIT: Error during clone: /usr/local/bin/git ‘–git-dir=/opt/workspace/workspace/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios/.git’ ‘–work-tree=/opt/workspace/workspace/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios’ rev-parse ‘new commit’ 2>&1:fatal: ambiguous argument ‘new commit’: unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
[2023-02-06T20:52:04.219Z] - - ERROR: OAUTH: Error during checkout: /usr/local/bin/git ‘–git-dir=/opt/workspace/workspace/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios/.git’ ‘–work-tree=/opt/workspace/workspace/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios’ rev-parse ‘new commit’ 2>&1:fatal: ambiguous argument ‘new commit’: unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
! checkout failed. /usr/local/bin/git ‘–git-dir=/opt/workspace/workspace/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios/.git’ ‘–work-tree=/opt/workspace/workspace/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios’ rev-parse ‘new commit’ 2>&1:fatal: ambiguous argument ‘new commit’: unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
[2023-02-06T20:50:03.438Z] - - ERROR: Unable to activate a pooled license: Failure acquiring floating license
[2023-02-06T20:50:03.439Z] - - WARN: Failed to acquire pooled license. Falling back to legacy
[2023-02-06T20:50:21.705Z] - - ERROR: Unable to activate legacy license
[2023-02-06T20:52:04.219Z] - - ERROR: GIT: Error during clone: /usr/local/bin/git ‘–git-dir=/BUILD_PATH/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios/.git’ ‘–work-tree=/BUILD_PATH/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios’ rev-parse ‘new commit’ 2>&1:fatal: ambiguous argument ‘new commit’: unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
[2023-02-06T20:52:04.219Z] - - ERROR: OAUTH: Error during checkout: /usr/local/bin/git ‘–git-dir=/BUILD_PATH/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios/.git’ ‘–work-tree=/BUILD_PATH/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios’ rev-parse ‘new commit’ 2>&1:fatal: ambiguous argument ‘new commit’: unknown revision or path not in the working tree.
! checkout failed. /usr/local/bin/git ‘–git-dir=/BUILD_PATH/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios/.git’ ‘–work-tree=/BUILD_PATH/lambert406.greedyclans.default-ios’ rev-parse ‘new commit’ 2>&1:fatal: ambiguous argument ‘new commit’: unknown revision or path not in the working tree.