Unable to Add Localization Databindng to text of CustomControl inherited from Button

I made a CustomButton directly inherited from Button and only added a couple of string properties and related UxmlAttribute values.

I was expecting the behavior to be identical to the base button sans my addition, yet within UIBuilder I cannot assign Localization to the Text field, but can to the default Button. (Other obvious differences between the Button and my inherited CustomButton besides the odd alignment issues in UIBuilder is lack of the LanguageDirection field, etc.) I am using 2023.3.0b8.

While I can ask what is the latest on knowing when UIElements can support Audio sounds? (The only reason I made a custom control was to get UI sounds hooked up to FMOD which does work without me needing to make references everywhere, but now, Localization can’t be easily hooked up.)
Why are Localization aspects not exposed to custom controls that inherit from a parent that does support it?
Is there something else I need to alter in code?

using UnityEngine.UIElements;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;

public class CustomButton : Button
  private const string FMOD_AUDIO_UI_CLICKED  = "event:/UI/ButtonClick";
  private const string FMOD_AUDIO_UI_SELECTED = "event:/UI/ButtonActivate";

  public Action OnClick;
  public Action OnHover;
  public string ClickedFModAudioPath { get; set; } = "pathClicked";
  public string SelectedFModAudioPath { get; set; } = "pathSelected";

  public CustomButton() : this(null) { }

  public CustomButton(Action clickEvent) : base(clickEvent)
    clicked += on_click_intercept;   
    RegisterCallback<MouseOverEvent>(evt => on_hover(evt)); 

  private void on_hover(MouseOverEvent evt)

  private void on_click_intercept()

  public class UXmlFactory : UxmlFactory<CustomButton, UxmlTraits> { }
  public new class UxmlTraits : Button.UxmlTraits
    UxmlStringAttributeDescription m_clickedFMODAudioPath  = new UxmlStringAttributeDescription { name = "clicked-fmod-audiopath", defaultValue = FMOD_AUDIO_UI_CLICKED };
    UxmlStringAttributeDescription m_selectedFMODAudioPath = new UxmlStringAttributeDescription { name = "selected-fmod-audiopath", defaultValue = FMOD_AUDIO_UI_SELECTED };

    public override IEnumerable<UxmlChildElementDescription> uxmlChildElementsDescription
      get { yield break; }

    public override void Init(VisualElement ve, IUxmlAttributes bag, CreationContext cc)
      base.Init(ve, bag, cc);
      ((CustomButton)ve).ClickedFModAudioPath  = m_clickedFMODAudioPath.GetValueFromBag(bag, cc);
      ((CustomButton)ve).SelectedFModAudioPath = m_selectedFMODAudioPath.GetValueFromBag(bag, cc);

The system uses the UxmlElement feature, it doesn’t support the deprecated UxmlFactory approach.

Define the attributes using UxmlElement and UxmlAttributeAttribute and it should work.
You may also need to add CreatPropertyAttribute to the attribute for the binding paths.