My first project, I had a terrain, and I was able to add a tree prefab to the terrain pretty easily. But the terrain was at level 0 so I couldn’t dig down.
I started a new project later and created a terrain that was bigger and elevated to around 100 vertical so I could dig down. But using the same tree prefab, I cannot add it to the terrain. I can add it to the hierarchy window, but then it spawns at level 0 and I have to go go get it and drag it up to the terrain.
Why can’t I place the prefab on the terrain? Is this normal? I can’t drag the prefab to the scene at all, it won’t add. I can only add it to the hierarchy.
As another test, just to make sure it wasn’t the prefab that was the problem, I created a new prefab with just a simple cube. (create 3D cube from hiearchy context menu, drag it to my Assets folder, delete cube from scene, then try to add cube from Assets folder prefab to scene). Same problem. I can’t drag it to the scene window. I can only add it through dragging to hierarchy.
I figured it out. I added an editor script as noted in this thread and it broke dropping in prefabs:
I’m not sure how to fix that script yet. I tested moving it out of the Editor folder that you are supposed to put editor scripts in, according to other threads I read, but that didn’t fix the issue. I had to completely remove the script from assets.
So if you run into this problem, pay attention to any editor scripts you may have touched recently.