I’m trying to create a local coop menu in which when a device button is pressed a player prefab is instantiated and the device is assigned to his PlayerInput component. BUT…it doesn’t work since it looks like the PlayerInput component has no assigned devices.
private void Awake()
playerControls = new PlayerControls();
playerControls.MenuPlayersRegistration.Register.performed += ctx =>
void InstantiatePlayer(InputDevice newDevice)
PlayerInput playerInput = PlayerInput.Instantiate(playerPrefab, PlayersNumber, "Gamepad",
PlayersNumber, newDevice);
Debug.Log("Player " + playerInput.playerIndex);
foreach (InputDevice i in playerInput.devices)
Debug.Log(i.deviceId + "/n");
When I debug playerInput after the Instantiation it shows the devices list empty and also an hasMissingRequiredDevices field.