Unable to assign Variables on inspector on prefab


having a bit of trouble. I have a prefab that I have created from an imported FBX. I’ve created a simple script, which I can assign to the prefab, and also to the model thats in the scene. Now, I’m able to click and drag objects into the inspector on the scene model and it recognises them and everything works, but, when i drag the scene model onto the prefab it won’t update the variables on the prefab inspector with the ones on the model. It wont even let me assign them directly on the prefab.

I’ve tried deleting and recreating the prefab a few times. I’ve cut the script down to a simple few lines just setting up the variables so i’m sure theres no errors in the script.

I can click on the drop down and select the transforms I want, but once selected it doesnt actually update the variable to show it…

I’m stumped… not come across this before.

any ideas?

