Unable to deploy to ipod 2nd Gen

Im able to deploy to my ipad2 and ipod 4th gen. Im also able to get a successful build using the same target with the 2nd gen ipod as the target device. However, the app is never listed in xcodes organizer like it is in the other devices nor does its icon ever appear on the 2nd gen.

I have 4.2.1 installed on the 2nd gen ipod. I’ve set the target ios to 4 in Unity and in the project within xcode and the target within xcode. I’ve also tried 3.0 as the target. With these lower targets they still run on the other mentioned devices. For the SDK i have “latest ios 5.0” in xcode.

So, after pressing “Run” in xcode i get the successful build message and then nothing, xcode automatically stops right after that with no error messages (other devices it works just fine). Any advice would be great.

I found the answer on Stack Overflow…