Unable to display Localization WebGL Build in browser

【What we want to achieve】
I want to display a WebGL Build screen in a browser using Localization.


I cannot display WebGL Build using Localization in a browser.
How to solve this problem?

(1)When I start WebGL Build with Localization in a browser, the following error message appears on the browser and I cannot display the screen.

I get the following error message:
「do you wish to make the asset the active localization settings?

The active localization settings will be included into any builds and preloaded at the start this can be changed at edit/project settings/localization」

(2)If you delete the LocalizationSettings file, you will be able to see

(3)In LocalizationSettings
LocaleSelectors > Command Line Artumetnt
Change the following to



The error message will change to
「an error occurred running the uinty content on this page
see your browser javascript console for more into
the error was abort101 at error」

On UnityEditor, localization switching works normally, but the following log message appears
「Locales PreloadOperation has not been initialized, can not return the available locales.
LocalesProvider:get_Locales ()
VketAvatarMaker.LocalizationController:Localization () (at Assets/VketAvatarMaker/Scripts/Common/LocalizationController.cs:39)
VketAvatarMaker.LocalizationController:b__1_0 (long) (at Assets/VketAvatarMaker/Scripts/Common/LocalizationController.cs:30)
UniRx.Observer/Subscribe`1:OnNext (long) (at Library/PackageCache/com.neuecc.unirx@284d5c50d3/Observer.cs:165)
UniRx.Operators.TimerObservable/Timer:OnNext () (at Library/PackageCache/com.neuecc.unirx@284d5c50d3/Operators/Timer.cs:97)
UniRx.Operators.TimerObservable/<>c__DisplayClass6_2:b__1 () (at Library/PackageCache/com.neuecc.unirx@284d5c50d3/Operators/Timer.cs:62)
UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend (System.Action) (at Library/PackageCache/com.neuecc.unirx@284d5c50d3/UnityEngineBridge/MainThreadDispatcher.cs:269)
UniRx.Scheduler/MainThreadScheduler/d__2:MoveNext () (at Library/PackageCache/com.neuecc.unirx@284d5c50d3/UnityEngineBridge/MainThreadScheduler.cs:102)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)」

Translated with DeepL

Localizationを使用してWebGL Buildをブラウザで画面を表示させたいです


Localizationを使用してWebGL Buildをブラウザで画面が表示できない

LocalizationのWebGL Buildをブラウザで起動時にブラウザ上で下記エラーが出力されて画面が表示できません
「do you wish to make the asset the active localization settings?
the active localizaation settings will be included into any builds and preloaded at the start this can be changed at edit/project settings/localization」


LocaleSelectors > Command Line Artumetnt


「an error occurred running the uinty content on this page
see your browser javascript console for more into
the error was abort101 at error」

「Locales PreloadOperation has not been initialized, can not return the available locales.
UnityEngine.Localization.Settings.LocalesProvider:get_Locales ()
VketAvatarMaker.LocalizationController:Localization () (at Assets/VketAvatarMaker/Scripts/Common/LocalizationController.cs:39)
VketAvatarMaker.LocalizationController:b__1_0 (long) (at Assets/VketAvatarMaker/Scripts/Common/LocalizationController.cs:30)
UniRx.Observer/Subscribe`1:OnNext (long) (at Library/PackageCache/com.neuecc.unirx@284d5c50d3/Observer.cs:165)
UniRx.Operators.TimerObservable/Timer:OnNext () (at Library/PackageCache/com.neuecc.unirx@284d5c50d3/Operators/Timer.cs:97)
UniRx.Operators.TimerObservable/<>c__DisplayClass6_2:b__1 () (at Library/PackageCache/com.neuecc.unirx@284d5c50d3/Operators/Timer.cs:62)
UniRx.MainThreadDispatcher:UnsafeSend (System.Action) (at Library/PackageCache/com.neuecc.unirx@284d5c50d3/UnityEngineBridge/MainThreadDispatcher.cs:269)
UniRx.Scheduler/MainThreadScheduler/d__2:MoveNext () (at Library/PackageCache/com.neuecc.unirx@284d5c50d3/UnityEngineBridge/MainThreadScheduler.cs:102)
UnityEngine.SetupCoroutine:InvokeMoveNext (System.Collections.IEnumerator,intptr)」

You shouldn’t need to make any changes to the settings, especially the locale selectors.
Have you built the addressable assets?

Thanks for letting me know.

■I did the operation with the Default Build Script, but I get a squash error.
・I have done the pull down content of the screenshot.
・I confirmed the operation with the difference of the file of the screenshot.

■Please let me know how to deal with this.

8398425--1108749--image (5).png 8398425--1108752--image (1).png 8398425--1108755--image (4).png 8398425--1108758--image (3).png

Can you post the full log from the WebGL player with all the details?

Is this failing on a local WebGL player or are you hosting it somewhere?

Thank you.

Uploading build files to the server
Confirming the operation on Chrome screen.
The log when the screen can be displayed normally is before localization.

■We share the logs of the following three patterns.
・(Chrome) Log when the screen can be displayed normally
・(Chrome) Logs when the screen cannot be displayed due to an error
・(Edge) Log when the screen cannot be displayed due to an error


8401023–1109232–(Chrome) Log when the screen can be displayed normally.txt (3.7 KB)
8401023–1109235–(Chrome)Logs when the screen cannot be displayed due to an error .txt (9.86 KB)
8401023–1109238–(Edge) Log when the screen cannot be displayed due to an error.txt (9.75 KB)

Unfortunately, I’m not sure what’s going wrong. The only errors I can see are something to do with Audio, not Localization or Addressables. Perhaps this? The AudioContext was not allowed to start. It must be resumed (or created) after a user gesture on t
Can you file a bug report so we can try and reproduce the issue? Unity QA: Building quality with passion