Hey, I’m trying to use Unity3D with DWM / BSPWM, but I’m not able to dock / undock any windows Unable to dock / undock application windows in Unity3Dcreated by Unity.
I’ve tested all modes (tiling, floating, …) and on BSPWM I’ve tried setting it to unmanaged, but it didn’t fix the problem.
Same on arch+bswpm and wmname set to “compiz” (for example jetbrains apps do not work under e.g. without; had hoped that there might be a similar bug at unity)
I really need to dock the “Entity Debugger” to the main window…
We do not test against all Window managers. Given Unity usage on Linux and window manager usage among that subset of users, we put our limited resources into the window manager best represented by our customers. Thus our focus on GNOME. The developers responsible for window management, myself included, don’t have the bandwidth to handle the intricacies of each of the wide array of Linux window managers while also supporting macOS and Windows.
Some people have had good luck with KDE, but we don’t test against it or officially support it. Generally users have had the most trouble with tiling window managers, and issues appearing solely on these window managers are in the category of windowing bugs least likely to be fixed.
I understand Kevin’s point and agree, I just like to leave a note that I used unity 2 years ago with BSPWM and the only issue I found was this one, I came back to Unity and this is still the only issue I found so far, so it’d be nice if someone could take a look and just let us know how hard would be to fix it or not, thanks!
i feel like rather than test against a single window manager, why not test against one of the window management standards that most window managers are compliant with? ewmh, icccm, etc?