I have heard that downloading older versions of unity for linux, is pretty unstable, but even after a tutorial from 2021 downloading something from 2019 for them it went smoothly, for me it turned out like that picture, i am using arch linux incase it was not obvious, but it still doesnt work. i have also tried other versions of 2017 (i NEED 2017), but when i download them and make a new project, they have errors. i should look at the logs but at the time i had them i was too tired (since i had been downloading different versions over and over to try and get what i needed). the specific version i want is 2017.1.0f3 , but as seen in the screenshot, it does not work. by the way, i have infact tried later. ive been trying for atleast 2 months, going in and out to try and get there, with no result. my current only fix i can think of is using wine and getting the windows version really. but its still a rather stupid thing to work with. the only way i can tag this is as “bug”. If it’s of any help, i installed unityhub from the AUR.
Possibly in part because if you click on the see all, it takes you to 1.11
Have you tried reworking the URL, so for example
download.unity3d.com/download_unity/ followed by the 1.0f3code, followed by the version, such as the 1.1f1 code is 5d30cf096e79 with UnitySetup-2017.1.1f1