Unable to drag in prefab into Network Prefabs Lists

Unity version: 2023.1.2f1
Netcode for GameObjects: 1.5.1

I’m unable to drag my prefab into the Network Prefabs Lists.
I’m unable to select the prefab from circle selector (it doesn’t show up).
The prefab has a NetworkObject, ClientNetworkTransform, NetworkRigidbody component.

Here is the Network Manager:

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I’ve downgraded my Unity to 2022.3.4f1 and still doesn’t work.

Here is what my prefab looks like:

Ok I found the solution. You have to create a Network Prefabs List scriptable object, add your prefabs there and add that list to the Network Manager. There’s a lot of outdated video tutorials and the docs should be written more clearly.


Hey @joseph114591452 , thaks for pointing that out. I forwarded your feedback to the documentation team so they can address it-

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folder > Create > Netcode > Network Prefabs List > Drag into Network Manager script


I’m facing the same issue no documentation has been updated yet. No tutorial also.

Thanks for that, I also couldn’t find about it on any tutorial.

Thank you


I found that when Netcode for GameObjects is added to your game, it automatically creates a network prefab list in assets. You then have to drag them into that, and select this list in the Network Manager. Not sure if this is a recent fix they implemented, but in 2022.3.35f1 this appears to be consistent.