Unable to edit grey ,,locked,, Materials

Saw the topic already few times in the unity forum but none of them could help solving my problem.
( here the one i checked :


and few others…

the material editor is grey - immediately after creating a material - i cant even change it when it was created

hope anyone can help

hi ; i had the same issue try solving it by this

don’t use the whole “Use Embedded Materials” thing and switch to the legacy “Use External Materials” setting for your mesh’s import settings. That’ll create a Materials folder just like Unity used to do in the past and then you’ll be able to modify them again.

Materials used to be unlocked by default in Unity 5.

I just noticed this a few days ago in 2017.3.1

Right click and unlock.

@amineallam @annesophiesandorff

hi i’m having the same problem did you find the solution ??

Unfortunately, I cannot unlock the materials, but only choose a shader when right-clicking (see Image). How else can I unlock the materials?
Seriously Unity, how can such a basic functionality become complicated after an update?112257-unitymaterialgreyedout.jpg

Same problem here !!

Most ‘Asset Greyed Out’ issues can be solved by Duplicating the item and working on the duplicate. This extends to Materials, AudioClips, Animations etc etc