Unable to find aar

Hi all,

I’ve been writing native libs for use with Unity on a current project. I have gotten the aar workflow to work nicely, in the past, however I am currently having issues with a new type of library I’m making.

Basically the issue is that Unity is not able to find the library at runtime. I exported the android project and the aar is in the filesystem in unityLibrary/libs which is where I think it should be. It is referenced in the gradle file like this:

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar'])
    implementation(name: 'libraryname-debug', ext:'aar')

When I run the build, I see the following line in logcat:

E/Unity: Unable to find libraryname-debug

the only other error I see is:

E/libprocessgroup: set_timerslack_ns write failed: Operation not permitted

which I don’t know if it is relevant.

The only difference in my current workflow is that this aar contains a service, and is built with an AIDL file. I am not sure if that changes things…

Any ideas how I can track down this issue??? Not seeing much help in the debug logs.


Just added this line to AndroidManifest.xml after reading this stackoverflow post.

<uses-library android:name="libraryname-debug" android:required="true"/>

Now when I try to build I get:

Installation did not succeed.
The application could not be installed: INSTALL_FAILED_MISSING_SHARED_LIBRARY
Installation failed due to: 'null'

Ok this is strange…

I made a release build of my aar, because I was curious if the debug build was the issue…

However I still get the same error:E/Unity: Unable to find libraryname-debug as if Unity is still looking for the debug version.

UnityLibrary gradle:

dependencies {
    implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', include: ['*.jar', '*.aar'])
    implementation(name: 'libraryname-release', ext:'aar')

Bump. Any ideas here? Can anyone at least confirm that it is possible to use an AAR containing a service within Unity? Anyone know how or if I need to include the AIDL file?

Alright well after getting annoyed and switching to a release lib, went ahead and closed Unity.

Booted up this morning and everything works fine.

Remember kids: 90% of Unity bugs can be solved by restarting Unity.

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You might also try build settings → Export (dropdown arrow) → Clean Build


If you’ve customized your android files at all (xml, .java, etc) make sure to save an additional backup copy (or commit your work) before trying this