Unable to find internal function `Unity.Collections.LowLevel.Unsafe.UnsafeUtility::MemCpyReplicate`


Here’s some options to consider:

  • something is wrong with packages (see below). Try that same set of packages in a fresh empty project (just copy the Packages/manifest.json over and see if you get the same errors)

If that doesn’t fix it.

  • that burst compiler version has a bug
  • that version of unity collections (I’m not even sure what delivers that) has a bug
  • there’s just a simple version requirement that the Package Mangler is failing to catch
  • there is something unaccounted for in your code that makes burst choke

To fix package-y stuff:

Extra unwanted packages in new projects (collab, testing, rider and other junk):

About the fastest way I have found to make a project and avoid all this noise is to create the project, then as soon as you see the files appear, FORCE-STOP (hard-kill) Unity (with the Activity Manager or Task Manager), then go hand-edit the Packages/manifest.json file as outlined in the above post, then reopen Unity.

Sometimes the package system gets borked from all this unnecessary churn and requires the package cache to be cleared: