How do I resolve the error message shown in the picture?
You need to create a custom style in your skin that matches that name, then set its properties as desired. If you’re using the default skin, then download it from our website and then you can start adding custom styles like you seem to be doing.
uninstall unity and reinstall.
start unity and I’m getting the following error message.
Unable to find style ‘HI Label’ in skin ‘InspectorGUISkin’ Layout
UnityEngine.GUISkin:GetStyle(String) (at C:\builds\unity-trunk\unity\Runtime\Export\Generated\GUIUtility.cs:1012)
UnityEngine.GUIStyle:op_Implicit(String) (at C:\builds\unity-trunk\unity\Runtime\Export\Generated\GUIUtility.cs:846)
UnityEditor.BaseProjectWindow:OnGUI() (at C:\builds\unity-trunk\unity\Editor\Mono\ProjectWindow\ProjectWindow.cs:294)
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke(Object, Object[ ])
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:InternalInvoke(Object, Object[ ])
System.Reflection.MonoMethod:Invoke(Object, BindingFlags, Binder, Object[ ], CultureInfo)
System.Reflection.MethodBase:Invoke(Object, Object[ ])
UnityEditor.HostView:Invoke(String) (at C:\builds\unity-trunk\unity\Editor\Mono\GUI\DockArea.cs:156)
UnityEditor.DockArea:OnGUI() (at C:\builds\unity-trunk\unity\Editor\Mono\GUI\DockArea.cs:491)
Ok, at first I thought this error was in relation to a custom style you were attempting to use as opposed to a built-in skin we are using. I’m not 100% sure how to proceed with this so I’ll call in some dev help on this thread, stand by.
Thank you, I’m waiting for your answer.
I’m not quite sure why you’re getting it - but it should be harmless.
Do you get this in all projects or just this one? either way, I’d appreciate it if you would attach the project to a bug report so I can see if I get the same error.
This error message is for all projects. I am sending a blank project created.
Is there any solution to this? Me and a friend of mine, we are both getting this warnings too.
It is not a custom GUI skin, only the built-in skin that comes with Unity, and there are no other skins we have built. It gives the first warning as soon as the Unity starts, and the other 3 everytime we click on an object in hierarchy panel.
Same here…
Empty new scene, only camera…
It started after I moved from XP to windows 7. First warning comes right after I open unity, other two warnings (“IN Big Title inner” Layout and repaint) and the null texture error comes every time when I select a 3d model from scene or hierarchy or project tabs.
I don’t remember how was it before, but now there is no highlight for selected item in hierarchy tab.
My prior answer:
And then Nicholas came in to help out and offered:
I don’t quite know that cygors actually logged a bug or not, so just in case can you two (Mortiis and erune) please separately log bugs and include a project folder that’s triggering this? I’d offer to do that myself but I simply don’t get this error. With the bug reports in (reference this thread) our engineers and take a look and see what’s up.
Case 331679
I was getting this error too since the day I installed Unity 3d but wasn’t paying really attention. 2 days ago I emailed unity support, because my objects on “Hierarchy” pane wasn’t highlighted but the others were(this was also a problem since day one and seems this error is the cause). It turns out the problem is caused by foreign language setting of windows. To solve this, all you have to do is:
I was also told that they’ll be working on a fix but this trick can be used to overcome the error until they fix it.