Unable to load DLL 'sqlite3' unity

Hello everyone, my game for phones uses sqlite, and everything works well if you build a project with the settings
Script Backend: Mono,
Target Architectures: ARMv7,
but in order to publish my game in Google play, you need to build with the settings
Script Backend: IL2CPP,
Target Architectures: ARMv7, ARM64,
after which on the phone I get the error DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL ‘sqlite3’: The specified module could not be found.
I have such a hierarchy of folders. How to fix it?

Please Help!


If it’s an asset, check if you can update it!
If not, maybe try moving it outside of the Plugin folder

Thank you for the answer, I downloaded libsql.so and the rest of the files from the Internet, I used the database implementation guide in unity, I do not know where to update these files. I moved the Android folder outside of the Plugins folder, unfortunately it didn’t help

I found the solution here(c# - Setup Database (SQLite) for Unity - Stack Overflow ), I made 3 folders: x86 (although I have only arm7 and arm64 architectures in the project), armeabi-v7a and arm64-v8a, in them I put the corresponding libsqlite3 file from github, which the author of the answer points to in the paragraph for Android. Everything is working now