I’m using latest version of addressables (1.13.1)
After updating localization to 0.8.0. I cannot load my game anymore
Full error log attached.
Is Localization 0.8.0 not supported on addressables 1.13.1?
6215438–683330–errorLog.txt (133 KB)
I’m using latest version of addressables (1.13.1)
After updating localization to 0.8.0. I cannot load my game anymore
Full error log attached.
Is Localization 0.8.0 not supported on addressables 1.13.1?
6215438–683330–errorLog.txt (133 KB)
No it should be fine. Did you rebuild your asset bundles?
It looks like its Searching for a key called ‘_en’. Seems to be missing the table name. Can you check the table name is still set?
Yes. I’m also using the “Use AssetDatabase” play mode script
Can you check the table name? It looks like its gone blank in the log
Exception: ChainOperation of Type: UnityEngine.Localization.Tables.AssetTable failed because dependent operation failed
Exception of type ‘UnityEngine.AddressableAssets.InvalidKeyException’ was thrown., Key=_en, Type=UnityEngine.Localization.Tables.AssetTable
The key should be
_enAre you able to share a copy of the project from before the upgrade? Ill try upgrading it and see what could be going wrong.
Is the data in the table correct?
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Got similar issue, i’ve lost all my strings… hope it’s fixed in 0.8.1
There were 2 issues that Karl helped solve for me.
After fixing those issues, 0.8.0 worked fine.
0.8.1 has a fix for saving changes when editing in the asset table window. If your data is corrupted when upgrading then it’s something else. Please file a bug report if you can.
0.8.1 fixed everything for me, working perfect, thanks!