When I get the fbx file to asset, this massage…
‘Unable to open Assets/xxxxx.fbx: Check external application preferences’
keep coming from console.
one of my fbx file has animation, i tried to play animationm, it didnt work but i saw that massage.
I installed 3D MAX 2013, fbx exporter and WinMerge to solve the problem, it didnt work.
what should I do?
The same situation. Download Lessons Unity 4.0 - Mecanim Animation Tutorial. How to open the FBX file with animation writes a message - “Unable to open Assets / Animations / Idles.fbx: Check external application preferences”. Installed 3DS MAX 2014. I have tried other versions of 3DS install, nothing works. Please help me with a problem!!!
I also got this problem,till now i can’t find solution.