Unable to open database file from StreamingAsset but it is opened in persistentDataPath

Hi guys, i’m implementing an Android App that communicates with a sqlite database. It was going all fine until i built the app and opened it on my mobile…
The problem that i’m facing now is that console shows the error “unable to open database file” if i leave the database on StreamingAssets. It works if i add lines to my script that copy the entire database.sqlite from StreamingAssets to the PersistentDataPath of my Application but, if so, the db is public to the end user and he could modify its values. I’ve dropped in Plugins folder files like Mono.Data.dll, Mono.Data.Sqlite.dll, Mono.Data.SqlliteClient.dll, Sqlite3.dll and System.Data.dll and in Android folder i dropped libsqlite3.so…Do you think there are some problems in this compiled files?
Thank you in advance for the help…
The code that i add to let the app work on persistentDataPath is:

string dbPath = Application.persistentDataPath + "/Database/mydb.sqlite";

		if (!File.Exists (dbPath)) {
			WWW loadDB = new WWW (Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/Database/mydb.sqlite");
			while (!loadDB.isDone) { }
			File.WriteAllBytes (dbPath, loadDB.bytes);

connectionURI = "URI=file:" + dbPath;

		using (IDbConnection dbConnection = new SqliteConnection(connectionURI)){

			//aprire la connessione con il database passato come path-string

There is no way around using an actual folder. On Android the Application.streamingAssetsPath is not a folder. You get a special URL that can only be used by the WWW class. The streaming assets are actually located inside the APK. The WWW class can load a file from inside the streaming assets folder inside the APK. However any usual file IO can’t. Especially you can not write a file inside the streaming assets.

The persistentDataPath doesn’t necessarily be public. Every App has an internal storage path that can only be accessed by the owning app (except user has root access). Have a look at this question over here