Unable to Publish WebGL Build

Hello, I am SUPER new, so maybe I’m just being a noob. I am going through the FPS minigame tutorial project and I am to the point of publishing it. It builds just fine in the editor (ver. 2020.3.15f1), but give me an error “something went wrong http/1.1 409 conflict”. I did some research and found that I can go to this link and select “upload”, but while on this page for about a second, I get a white screen with the message “{“errorCode”:“ConflictOperation”,“message”:“conflict operation”,“target”:”“,“details”:null}”. I am kind of at a loss as I don’t see anything on this issue anywhere. Thanks in advance for any help!

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I just checked and it seems you had changed your username for Unity Play from viciousdefinity_unity to ViciousDefinity, would you mind changing it back and trying to publish again? The Play team is aware of a bug that could be causing this for some users.


Yep, that worked! Thanks a bunch!

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Having the same problem with the exact error messages on both WebGL Publisher and Unity Play. I don’t think I have changed my username, but even if I had, I don’t remember what the previous username was. Little help?

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Hi there, my account started with an auto-generated username ‘unity_434F1EC3B58A9B0016EB’. Is there any way that I can change it to something that I specify and be able to publish a WebGL build to Unity Play?

I’m also having the same issue and also can’t remember changing my username. Also, I would like to keep my username. Is there something I could do to fix the issue without changing my username?
Also, where should I change my username? In my Unity ID?
Oh and it’s probably useful to know that when I try to go on the Unity website, I can everything for a second and then the page redirects to an authification page, goes blank and this error code is shown:
{“errorCode”:“ConflictOperation”,“message”:“conflict operation”,“target”:“”,“details”:null}
This only happens on all my devices but only when I’m logged in. When I instantly logout myself, the page works alright
Also, this doesn’t happen on Unity Learn, the Asset Store or the official Unity Website where everything works fine.
EDIT: I’ve changed my username now and now I get this error message:
{“errorCode”:“InternalServerError”,“message”:“Wrap non AppError”,“target”:“”,“details”:null}

I’m currently experiencing the same issue without ever having changed my username.

UPDATE: I’ve contacted the support and they told me that there was another acocunt using the same username (my old account with another email address, I forgot about that account). After they deleted the old account, everything worked for me. Perhaps tell the support your issue as well and see what causes they can find.

UPDATE: Changing my username to something else worked. I can now access and use Unity Play normally. That seems to be the band-aid fix to this case.

I contacted support but they’re telling my to clear my cache and cookies, which I’ve already done and doesn’t work - I even tried changing devices but had no luck.

From what I see I believe the problem is when somebody deletes their account. Unity deletes their account but Play keeps that username locked somehow. Maybe Unity’s account deletion system needs a fix so Play’s records for that username are removed as well.

Some reports seem to indicate support sometimes fixes the problem by removing Play’s remains of the previously deleted account and its username, unlocking it so a new one can be created automatically, using the same username, when that account first tries to access Play.

I tried changing my username, because I’m unable to do the build, but it did not help. I followed the same microgame as well. (FPS Microgame) However, no error pops up for me, the box that shows it loading just disappears as I wait. (Meanwhile, the folder remains empty, indicating that it did not make the build)