Unable to refresh package manager list since early November (China specific?)

Thank you, I have created the launch script and observe that UnityPackageManager is finally going through my proxy (I have a client that can look at what requests are passing through this proxy), and with proxy enabled, I can see the list is now refreshed properly.

3920218--334501--Screen Shot 2018-11-23 at 18.10.04.png

But if I set the request to go directly, I can see around 50% of requests to download.packages.unity.com, which is an CNAME alias of dl.bintray.com, failed due to timeout:

3920218--334498--Screen Shot 2018-11-23 at 18.08.00.png

Since the domain download.packages.unity.com itself is accessible, I was able to test with my browser and confirm the same behavior (direct access failed, proxy access did see the package list output as HTML).

So perhaps this is a regional network issue. I don’t know, I have tested it with some local tools, here is the overall result from the 3 major ISP in China:

3920218--334507--Screen Shot 2018-11-23 at 18.39.02.png

And China Telecom in particular:

3920218--334519--Screen Shot 2018-11-23 at 18.38.42.png

Here is the result cache:


Hopefully you can work with local partners to check if this is indeed an issue or just isolated incidents. I suspect the problem might be more widespread.

(My estimate: if the default timeout is set to 10s and the average response download time is ~8s for my region, then 50% request failure rate isn’t that unimaginable.)