I’ve converted my app from legacy Unity Ads to IronSource (with a Unity Ads adapter). However, Google Play still says the app references Unity Ads. I’ve verified that the Legacy Unity Ads package has been deleted from Package Manager and no longer shows up on the list of packages (or in manifest.json) and that Advertising is turned off in services. I’ve even deleted and rebuilt the Library directory and rebuilt the Visual Studio project. But Google still tells me I’m using Unity Ads and therefore am out of compliance. Where else can I look for references to this package?
I do have the Unity Ads adapter listed in the LevelPlay Integration Manager. Could that be what is causing the trouble? However, it seems unlikely that an IronSource adapter would bring in the old legacy package.
FYI, the APK does contain the file META-INF/unity-ads_release.kotlin_module that presumably is what is triggering Google’s message.
Remove the Unity Ads package from the package manager
Make sure that there are no Unity Ads related files in the project Assets directory
Make sure the services window does not enable Ads
If you are a user based in China, please make sure you are using the editor version released after October 26, 2022, or switch to the global version of the editor.
Thanks for the quick response! I’ve verified that Unity Ads has been removed from Package Manager and that advertising is turned off in Unity services. I did find a file com.unity3d.ads.unity-ads-4.6.1.aar and a corresponding meta file in Assets/Android/Plugins. But when I attempt to delete them, Unity pops up a “Resolving Android Dependencies” window and puts them back after a few seconds of processing. I checked AndroidManifest.xml, and there’s no reference there.
I also see com.ironsource.adapters.unityadsadapter-4.3.28.aar in Assets/Android/Plugins. I tried removing both that and the Unity Ads aar, and both came back after “Resolving Android Dependencies” was done.
I do have the Unity Ads adapter listed in the LevelPlay Integration Manager. Could that be what is causing the trouble? However, it seems unlikely that an IronSource adapter would bring in the old legacy package.
It sounds like the LevelPlay mediation brings in the Unity Ads package, so you might need to remove Unity Ads from LevelPlay Integration Manager if you don’t want to use it.
Thanks again! The problem turned out to be a Google Developer UI issue. The message that Google was displaying each time I uploaded a build turned out to be an old one complaining not about the current upload, but about a much older one. It appears that Google displays old and irrelevant error messages in response to every build upload until you go into your Inbox and explicitly delete them. That’s why nothing I did to the upload itself made any difference.