We’ll have a look. For future references, please consider submitting reports before posting on the forum. That will ensure that the issue does get looked into. The forum is not set up for bug reporting.
Thanks for taking a look. I did consider submitting a bug report, but I have been doing so often these days and I didnt want to submit yet another same project all over again and again. I guess I felt a bit too tired of it… sop…
Don’t get me wrong, I do submit bug reports, but I have already done with my current project multiple times already and felt a bit tired of sending exact same project all over again. It’s not like it takes 1 mins to do it… and since the issue was very easy to reproduce I thought I skip this one.
If you already submitted the project in a previous report, it is enough to reference the ticket number of the report where it was attached to. No need to upload the same project multiple times.
Same issue here wtih a16 on 2 windows machine.
It doesn’t make sense to release a version where you cannot order the prefab structure.
What’s so annoying is “it’s ok guy let skip it on 17 and keep that on 18”.
No idea how you guess people working with a16/17 if they cannot edit their prefab.
Who manage this? skip it!