Unable to report a bug

When reporting a bug I either get a freeze uploading the report at X% or an error: error:140943FC:SSL routines:ssl3_read_bytes:sslv3 alert bad record mac (Windows 10 1909, Unity 2021.1.27f1)

Any ideas?

Reporting a bug will zip your ENTIRE project up and send it.

This may or may not be what you want or even reasonable if you have a massive project.

It’s always best to make an empty project and extract only the parts necessary to show the bug, plus google for how to report a bug properly (“what I expect, what it does, what I’ve tried”) so that Unity has a fighting chance of fixing it.

I did that (for the Assets alone) but the upload failed - stuck or with that error.

Oh no! Now you have to file a bug against the bug system being broken!

That’s weird, not sure what more to add except the usual: check your editor logs, make sure your firewall isn’t blocking stuff, etc. Perhaps a Unity developer can chime in more ideas.