Unable to run unity project through Quest link


I’m trying to run the unity project in Oculus quest 2 device through Quest link.
I connected the device to the system via USB 3.0 cable (as recommended)
I enabled Oculus link in the device which launches the Oculus app in the system.
In the Oculus app, it shows the status as connected.

When I hit the play button in the Unity editor, it is supposed to run in the device.
But it always launched in the editor.

PC Model: Precision 5570
VR device: Oculus Quest 2

Could someone help me resolve this issue?

Thanks in advance.

  1. If not already, restart the PC
  2. Check if you can use the headset in a PCVR game to check if it’s not a meta issue
  3. If that works, check if you checked oculus xr or openxr in the xr plugin management settings for PC
    2.1 if using OpenXR, make sure you set oculus as default openxr runtime (google it)
  4. If that doesn’t work check all settings from the oculus rift dev documentation