Unable to set MacOS CPU architecture for plugin to something other than "Any CPU"

We have a native plugin on MacOS which is offered for both Apple Silicon and Intel architectures. I’m trying to restrict the plugin to their respective architectures.

For the Editor Settings, I’m able to restrict the plugin to a specific architecture.
For the Windows, Mac, Linux settings, when I select the desired architecture, then click the “Apply” button, Unity reverts the selection back to “Any CPU” and no change is made to the meta file.

This issue is present in both Unity 2022.3.34f1 and 2022.3.20f1.

  1. Is this the intended behavior, because Unity automatically excludes plugins from standalone builds which don’t match the target architecture? If so, I would suggest a message be displayed to inform the user (no message being the bug). Otherwise, this may be a bug.
  2. We have the below code to load native plugins when running in editor mode. We ensure the plugin is compatible with the current OS and architecture in the following manner. We can augment the code to check for architecture and path of the native plugin, but just wanted to callout that this would require game changes if if the current behavior is the intended one.
foreach (string asset in AssetDatabase.FindAssets(module))
    string assetPath = AssetDatabase.GUIDToAssetPath(asset);
    var pluginImporter = AssetImporter.GetAtPath(assetPath) as PluginImporter;

    bool validPluginImporter = pluginImporter != null;
    bool isCompatible = validPluginImporter ? pluginImporter.GetCompatibleWithPlatform(buildTarget) : false;