Unable to sync a StringTable to a GSheet


I’m trying to link a GSheet to a simple StringTable (empty for now) but it doesn’t seem to work.
It seems like the errors are coming from Google API’s side but I can’t find anything that could help me resolve this so I’m trying my luck here.

What I’m doing now is :

  • create a new GoogleSheetsService;
  • authorize with OAuth (which is working fine);
  • create a new StringTable;
  • add a SheetsServiceProvider to this new StringTable;
  • bind it with my GoogleSheetsService;
  • click Create New Spreadsheet > error (see below).

Even when creating my own spreadsheet and filing the ID in Unity doesn’t work : I can select the sheet with my datas but the Push / Pull buttons stay disabled and I don’t even know how to set my spreadsheet correctly (couldn’t find anything about it in the doc)

Any help would be welcome,

Could you share the full editor log and a screenshot of the setup?

Well, I tried other stuff since then, reinstalled the entire project several times and I did not kept the logs unfortunatly but I got your package to work with GSheet using an old script that was shared here (one used to extract .CSV to StringTable).
But my initial problem, I think, had to be with the way I made my GoogleAPI’s project (and I’m new with it so I’m the one to blame here) but I have no clue as to what was the problem and I’m not willing to try all this again rn, so I apologize for the inconveniance but I’m now considering this subject as resolved.

Ok. Well if you ever figure out what you did wrong then do please tell us. Then maybe we can do something to improve the docs or add some better error reporting to help in the future.

For the docs, the screens in the Extensions>Google Sheets>Configuring Authentication>OAuth (https://docs.unity3d.com/Packages/com.unity.localization@0.8/manual/Google-Sheets-Configuring-Authentication.html#oauth) seem to be outdated.

I couldn’t find any way to set my application type as “Other” so I chose “Desktop App” (which is not in your screenshot so it must be something rather new).

Other than that, a GSheet example along with a screenshot of its mapped columns in the Google Sheets Extension could come in handy, just to see how those two things get linked together.

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