Unable to sync Integration Information in UDP console with project

I have a project using IAP and have just tried to configure IAP UDP but the Integration Information does not match the one in the project.

  1. Existing project with IAP installed and running
  2. Create new UDP in the console (this creates random values in the integration information in the console like client id)
  3. Since the Integration Information does not match I am unable to upload apk

How do I sync Integration Information on UDP console and UDP in unity editor but still keep IAP functional?

I can’t tell the exact steps I did to reproduce what happened to me, but I also created a new project in the UDP console and went back to the editor, messed around with the UDP Settings in the editor (Window → Unity Distribution Portal → Settings) and when I went back to the console I had 2 (yes, 2 projects), one the one I created manually myself and the other one was set up automatically (?). I kept the one that had the same unity id as in the editor and archived the other one (the one I created myself, I think).
Try pressing the “Push” button from the UDP settings in editor, maybe this creates the correct project.

I saw the push button when I installed UDP package from the package manager but I don’t see a push button with IAPs UDP anywhere…?

It also says “Resource not found” each time I open up the UDP settings in the editor

My Setup is Unity IAP + UDP (I have set up UDP after switching the Unity IAP build target from Android - Google Play to UDP) and this is what I am seeing in UDP Settings. Maybe it helps…

I’m getting a different set of UDP settings

Having a look at IAP package in the package manager there is a “In-App Purchasing 2.1.1” package and “Unity IAP 2.2.1” package. Unsure why there are 2 IAP packages?!

When I go to (Window->Unity IAP->IAP Updates) it says I have 1.22.0 installed.

Should I have “In-App Purchasing 2.1.1” installed or “Unity IAP 2.2.1” ?

My guess would be both (I have both)

Maybe this is the explanation

Can you let me know what version of Unity you’re using?


If the problem persists, you can try to relink the project: Services Window-> Settings-> Unlink project → Relink the project.

I tried this and re-imported In-App Purchasing service but the same options keep coming up. I did notice when I unlinked project and removed In-App purchasing package from package manager, the /Plugins/UnityPurchasing still exists and the Unity IAP option still exists in Window menu



What is the best way to remove all IAP so I can try reimporting from scratch?

I just deleted the /Assets/UnityPurchasing and /Assets/UDP, removed all IAP code from project, re-link project, re-imported IAP and everything now seems up to date and working.

I have an option to pull/push from UDP.