Hello, I’m having trouble building my game to my device. I have installed android studio and the java development kit but I keep getting this error. Does anyone know what this means?
Hey all! I found the fix.
Then If it wont get device properties do this: https://forum.unity.com/threads/build-failure-unable-to-retrieve-device-properties-in-unity-4-2-1.213178/ (kill adb in task manager)
I hope this helps someone.
I just ran into this having never seeing it before. Is the official solution to run adb kill-server every time I build?
One new thing I notice is that there’s an android emulator running - see my adb devices output:
List of devices attached
FA6A40303383 device
emulator-5562 offline
This issue and that emulator seem to have appeared at the same time - does anyone have any ideas? I actually don’t want that emulator to start as it makes it harder to run adb commands:
It may be related to my USB driver as well - I’m using the NVidia Android USB driver but I’ll try the official one.
This is caused by NTKDaemon …uninstall this fixes will fix emulator-5562 issue.,This is caused by NTKDaemon …Native instruments VSTs use this to connect to a server.
Uninstall NTKDaemon and “emulator-5562 offline” will be gone!