
UnassignedReferenceException: The variable m_Clip of AnimationClipEditor has not been assigned.
You probably need to assign the m_Clip variable of the AnimationClipEditor script in the inspector.
UnityEditor.AnimationClipInfoProperties.AssignToPreviewClip (UnityEngine.AnimationClip clip) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/ImportSettings/AnimationClipInfoProperties.cs:384)
UnityEditor.AnimationClipEditor.ShowRange (UnityEditor.AnimationClipInfoProperties info) (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/Inspector/AnimationClipEditor.cs:141)
UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipEditor.SyncClipEditor () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/ImportSettings/ModelImporterClipEditor.cs:188)
UnityEditor.ModelImporterClipEditor.OnEnable () (at C:/buildslave/unity/build/Editor/Mono/ImportSettings/ModelImporterClipEditor.cs:151)

Aaah I see then I must not understand how to fix it. Because when I click on each of the errors (4) they take me to a window entitled " m_Clip" But there is nothing I can change there…is not editable? That is why I am confused.

The variable m_Clip of
AnimationClipEditor has not been
assigned. You probably need to assign
the m_Clip variable of the
AnimationClipEditor script in the

You’re using an Animation Clip somewhere and have forgotten to actually give it a clip to play, that’s all. So as the error message says you just need to drag a clip to it in the inspector.