Is normal PolySpatial Hover Effect working on Mixed Reality Unbounded mode? I think in 0.3.3 it worked, but today i upgraded my project and there is no hover effect anymore
Is there any way to set output scale of Unbounded Volume Camera mode? My scene is too big and I wanted to make is smaller without changing scale on Game Objects
It should be, yes; I just tested it and it seems to work for me in the simulator. Note that the hover effect is pretty subtle (and that’s not something we have any control over), and you have to be in the selection mode (leftmost icon on the lower right of the simulator) to see it when you mouse over an object. Also, the object needs to have a collider.
Technically, yes; you can set the scale in the transform of the volume camera, and the output scale will be its inverse: for example, if you set the scale to 2, then the output will be half as big. I’m not sure that this is intentional behavior, though, or that we will continue supporting it in the future. You might be better off just scaling the content in the usual way (parenting it to a single node and decreasing that node’s scale).
You can use a world space UI, although that won’t always be facing the camera unless you explicitly attach/position it to be so. In unbounded mode, I believe it’s possible to use the device pose to accomplish this, although that may not be working at the moment.
@kapolka Thanks for that. I assumed we’d need to change our game to handle scaling, rotating, and translating - but as the volume camera can be transformed, I’m wondering if it’s a suitable mechanism to use at runtime.
However, looking at it, it’s very slow in the sim, removing and closing the volume, then recreating it each time it’s changed.
Is this as designed, and transforming the volume should only be done sparingly at runtime, if at all?