I work on a game where I want to have a Full Space app, where I have a surrounding 3D Model as some kind of environment and the actual 2D game floating in front of me (with just a World Space Canvas, no native visionOS window).
I don’t want the player to be able to walk around in the environment - so usually visionOS has this safe area of around 1.5 meter where the app disappears and only the icon shows up where you started the app.
If I have only an unbounded camera, this does not seem to work, no matter how far I go, the app does not get blended out. I already kicked out all Unity related code in Swift and showed a native RealityKit sphere as some kind of skybox and it still behaves the same. But the same code works in a plain Swift project. I am not sure what is happening in the background, but the same thing seems to block for example the .progressive immersion style. When I set it manually in Swift (also in the info.plist file), I cannot change the apps progression and the environment icon on the Vision Pro is also disabled when I turn the Digital Crown.
The only solution I found, was to start the app in windowed mode that launches a window which opens the immersive space and closes itself directly again. But this causes additional effort as I would have to change the PolySpatial scripts manually then and also handle all kind of immersive space states then manually.
So am I missing something here or how do I get the behavior with just a unbounded volume camera that the app fades out after you move for more than 1.5 meters?
PolySpatial 2.0.4/Unity 6000.0.34f1