Having some trouble with a WebGL game that runs fine in Firefox 37, and was working in Chrome 41. In Chrome 42 with a development build and explicit exceptions allowed (no stripping) an alert is brought up early on with an Uncaught abort() message. Logs from around that time show:
There’s also a slightly different trace when running with Enable Exceptions: None
Has anyone else come across this issue, or have any ideas I could pursue to track down the cause?
we are aware of issues with the new Chrome 42 and our WebGL export. We currently have no solution to the issue atm but hope to get this sorted out soon.
Can you send in a report with your project or minimal repro attached? The more info we can get the better.
And ping me the case number here.
We’re noticing a WebGL Chrome 42 issue as well with Time Clickers.
It is also re-producible on the Angry Bots demo if you use Chrome 42 on Mac. Some players have also reported the exception being thrown on Windows, but we can’t reproduce that.
It seems like it is not just Unity WebGL content that is having troubles but generally bigger JS projects.
We are in contact with Google and can hopefully resolve this soonish.
Glad to hear this, I am also encountering this issue and it’s frustrating that I can’t publish a new build because of this. At least it’s not a Unity’s issue, which is good.
Similar problem here occurs on firefox and chrome
UnityLoader.js:3386 Invalid function pointer called with signature ‘iiii’. Perhaps this is an invalid value (e.g. caused by calling a virtual method on a NULL pointer)? Or calling a function with an incorrect type, which will fail? (it is worth building your source files with -Werror (warnings are errors), as warnings can indicate undefined behavior which can cause this)
UnityLoader.js:3386 Build with ASSERTIONS=2 for more info.
UnityLoader.js:3386 warning: a problem occurred in builtin C++ name demangling; build with -s DEMANGLE_SUPPORT=1 to link in libcxxabi demangling
Invoking error handler due to
Uncaught abort(153) at Error
at jsStackTrace (blob:http%3A//localhost%3A49190/7e1262b6-12ca-4e61-a78d-457a091afeaf:1057:12)
at stackTrace (blob:http%3A//localhost%3A49190/7e1262b6-12ca-4e61-a78d-457a091afeaf:1071:21)
at abort (blob:http%3A//localhost%3A49190/7e1262b6-12ca-4e61-a78d-457a091afeaf:2372413:43)
at nullFunc_iiii (blob:http%3A//localhost%3A49190/7e1262b6-12ca-4e61-a78d-457a091afeaf:15359:2)
at Array.b153 (blob:http%3A//localhost%3A49190/7e1262b6-12ca-4e61-a78d-457a091afeaf:2356318:2)
at _ZN16VirtFuncInvoker1IbP12Il2CppObjectE6InvokeEjPvS1 [void undefined<undefined?n?>?o? VirtFuncInvoker1<bool, Il2CppObject?*, undefined?6?>?k()] (blob:http%3A//localhost%3A49190/7e1262b6-12ca-4e61-a78d-457a091afeaf:2168340:50)
at _SetPropertyUtility_SetClass_TisIl2CppObject_m3678588200_gshared (blob:http%3A//localhost%3A49190/7e1262b6-12ca-4e61-a78d-457a091afeaf:2186904:16)
at _Image_set_sprite_m1800056820 (blob:http%3A//localhost%3A49190/7e1262b6-12ca-4e61-a78d-457a091afeaf:2201093:6)
at Array._U3CSetFrameU3Ec__AnonStorey48_U3CU3Em__8D_m2872324153 (blob:http%3A//localhost%3A49190/7e1262b6-12ca-4e61-a78d-457a091afeaf:1402088:3)
at Array._Action_1_Invoke_m101203496_gshared (blob:http%3A//localhost%3A49190/7e1262b6-12ca-4e61-a78d-457a091afeaf:1804204:34)
I am working on a multiplayer game for WebGL platform and i am using (http://lockstep.io/ - SocketIo & node.js server ) for handling the game.
I am facing these issues as shown in the attached image.
I have no idea about what these errors state?
I don’t think that the issue is from my coding side as my multiplayer game runs perfectly in standalone builds with more than 4 instances of the standalone build.
But it does not even open in my WebGL build.
Does WebGL does not support threading??
Please guide.
What are these errors all about?
Can these issues be solved??
Do i have to change my whole project implementation?