Uncaught exception: could not load memory initializer

I am getting the error “uncaught exception: could not load memory initializer…” when I place my build on my server. But the build works fine from my PC on firefox. What’s causing this and how can fix it? Thanks.

Edit: I just contacted my host, they say it’s a problem with the code. Its a super simple scene, a cube and a plane, 2 materials and a light. Link below. I’ll test a simpler scene and see what happens.


See this thread, some of your errors can be here.

Chcek out the Javascript console, getting an error 500:


@liortal right, have you gotten it to work? I have a support ticket open with my host. I tried the fix in the link above your post without luck. My host uses Apache. Any ideas?

Ask them why it returns 500 for that file. Also, grab that link and try to navigate to that using your browser, see if that is any different

What do you mean by that? On my local machine?

application/octet-stream .mem
application/octet-stream .data

I added these to my web server mime type problem solve.