Hi all,
Been stuck now for 2 days with my project.
On Android everything works just fine and it includes the FB-SDK.
It’s made in Unity 2020.1.0b14 and the time has come to make a iOS build.
All is fine, Unity gives me the build and i install the facebook stuff with pods.
Then when I build it in xcode it gives me a list of warnings about swift not found
with a list of Undefined symbol errors which cause the warnings i guess.
See attached image.
Searched the internet the past 2 days and almost tried everything i think.
Setting the bitcode stuff, change library paths, always inlclude swift, delete derived data, made a dummy swift-file to make a header bridge, edited runpath search paths, edited linker flag, tried to add files from the warnings to frameworks, libraries and embedded content, reboot, made a new build in unity, etc…
Still the same error.
Now the funny thing is, i added use_frameworks! to the podfile then i don’t get the error and the build succeeds. But then when opening the app it closes again and says it didn’t find fbsdk-corekit and for reason: image not found. I don’t think adding that to the podfile is the way to go.
Totally not an iOS developer btw.
Best regards,