Undefined symbol and could not find auto linked library swift

Hi all,

Been stuck now for 2 days with my project.
On Android everything works just fine and it includes the FB-SDK.
It’s made in Unity 2020.1.0b14 and the time has come to make a iOS build.

All is fine, Unity gives me the build and i install the facebook stuff with pods.
Then when I build it in xcode it gives me a list of warnings about swift not found
with a list of Undefined symbol errors which cause the warnings i guess.
See attached image.

Searched the internet the past 2 days and almost tried everything i think.
Setting the bitcode stuff, change library paths, always inlclude swift, delete derived data, made a dummy swift-file to make a header bridge, edited runpath search paths, edited linker flag, tried to add files from the warnings to frameworks, libraries and embedded content, reboot, made a new build in unity, etc…

Still the same error.
Now the funny thing is, i added use_frameworks! to the podfile then i don’t get the error and the build succeeds. But then when opening the app it closes again and says it didn’t find fbsdk-corekit and for reason: image not found. I don’t think adding that to the podfile is the way to go.

Totally not an iOS developer btw.

Best regards,

Solved it, downgrading the Facebook Unity SDK did it for me.

what version did you downgrade to? And maybe some you’ve found some solution? Because I have the same problem and did some solutions. but non of them seems to be non-stupid for me.

I had this problem and downgraded to 7.20.0 and the build error went away. There’s one more version between 7.20.0 and latest, but I have not tried that version.