Underlay in top of characters

The visual artifacts you reference are due to the use of SDFAA which is very fast but less accurate then the super slow but accurate SDF16 mode.

See the following thread / post about these render modes.

“Although the SDFAA modes are less accurate and visible in the Editor when zoomed in on the text, this is not visible in the game view unless the text is larger than 90 point size as at lower point size, there is not enough pixels to represents those inaccuracies. This would most likely only impact text like Titles.”

Note: For all the known text used in the project, that is the text contained in your menus, titles, dialogues, etc. I recommend using a static font asset where using SDF16 will give you the best possible quality. Then for text coming from user input / unknown at build time, to use a dynamic font asset using SDFAA assigned as local fallback to the static primary font asset.

Make sure the sampling point size to padding ratio is the same between the primary and fallback font asset.

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