Underlined GUI Text

Hey All,

Is there a way to underline text in Unity.

I’m assuming there’s no way to have basically a font style, but, is there a way to like get the height and width of your GUI text so I can draw it in myself?

Either way would be great, or is the only way for me to do it for me to make a custom font?

Thanks in advance,

You could simply create a font which has underlining pre-rendered.

Thanks AngryAnt,

That’s what I figured I’d have to do…

I found this nice font generator on the Unity wiki by Morgan: http://forum.unity3d.com/download.php?id=648

I guess I’ll do the rest by hand in PS or something like that…


actually if you just insert a underline string like “_________” at the same position as that of the text, it looks the same (at least for my font).