Undo does not working after Breaking Prefab instance from Script

I breaking prefab instances pretty often. So i want to have a shortcut for it and wrote a simple script. It works fine, but undo does not work, even with Undo.RecordUndo(obj, “history name”). How can i improve this script, to make undo work?

Here is the script:

[MenuItem("MyGameTools/Unconnect prefab (break) %u")]
static void UnconnectPrefab() {
    string msg = "";
    if (Selection.gameObjects.Any()) {
        foreach (var go in Selection.gameObjects) {
            Undo.RecordObject(go, "disconnect prefab " + go);
            msg += go.name + " – disconnect prefab\n";
    } else {
        msg = "No objects seleted to disconnect prefab";

Alternativly any method to map editor’s “Break Prefab Instance” to hotkey would work for me too, because undo works there out of the box.

Oh, i think i found solution, calling this before register undo works:

Undo.RegisterCompleteObjectUndo(go, "disconnect prefab " + go);