Undocumented breaking API change - LayoutGroup.SetChildAlongAxis

There has been a breaking change in the UnityEngine.UI.LayoutGroup base class.

In 2018.3 this method had the signature:
protected void SetChildAlongAxis(RectTransform rect, int axis, float pos, float size)

In 2019.1b3 this method has two overloads with these signatures:

protected void SetChildAlongAxis(RectTransform rect, int axis, float scaleFactor, float pos, float size)```

All existing uses of this method in 3rd party code have been broken by the introduction of the new "scaleFactor" parameter in the middle of the parameter list. Ideally the new parameter would be placed at the end of the parameer list and default to a value that maintains the existing behaviour of this method.

I couldn't see any mention of this change in the release notes for 2019.1

Thanks for bringing this to our attention! For future references, please submit a bug report for bugs that you’re experiencing before posting about them on the forum.

Thats also please report a bug for this issue so it can be tracked properly.

Will this require a repro or will the description in my post suffice? I’d have to actually create a repro project to demo this issue.

Description should be just fine in this case. Please post the case here when you can

Case #1129157

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Thanks will get it corrected.