Whether Unity has other undocumented functions similar to these?
Anything else?
do you mean something to get all childern of a transform?
// Moves all transform children 10 units upwards!
for (var child : Transform in transform) {
child.position += Vector3.up * 10.0;
will let you iterate over all childern of a transform.
It is documented, but above the function list so I missed at first and posted a question earlier trying to find GetChildern() .
Thanks for the answer, but I meant not a specific target (I’m not looking for any childrens operations), I meant about the fact of presence of functions, there is no documentation available for which .
I wish to know as much them is. :?:
Generally undocumented features are undocumented for a reason. It’s not like UT is secretly hiding features because they’re mean.
It is interesting to me to know that there is. Probably, it something that can be necessary for me in the future.