undocumented implicit class member functions

Hi –

Is there a list, somewhere, anywhere, of all the weird implicit/hidden classes in unity’s c# implementation (e.g. string, int, float) and of the member functions of those classes?

I can’t for the life of me figure out how I’m supposed to know to type int.Parse(“3”) or string.Contains(“substring”) other than by blind trial-and-error. As far as I can tell those functions, and who knows how many others that I haven’t found yet, are nowhere in the script reference and are different from their javascript counterparts, some of which are at least findable in sample code and on the forums …

Seems like this really should be in the script reference.

They are Unity specific and not available in the Mono documentation?

Eg: http://go-mono.com/docs/index.aspx?link=T%3ASystem.String